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About Aladrieth

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  1. I just tried adding some mods to Bannerlord for the first time yesterday. I'm not getting any error messages, but none of the enabled mods are actually active in-game. No idea if this is related to your problem, though, or if I'm just doing something wrong.
  2. I'm having the same problem. Vortex seems to be fine and I'm not getting any errors, but none of my enabled mods are actually active in-game. I've only used Vortex a little before, so also wondering if I'm doing something wrong?
  3. It literally says when you look at the "Blinded" status that ranged attacks and spells are limited to 3m
  4. Does anyone know of a UI mod that fixes this apparent bug? It was present in my vanilla game, so I'm confident it's not one of my mods causing the problem. Some characters, including Lae-zel and two hirelings I turned into Life Domain Clerics, only show their class abilities in the spellbook section. This causes 2 primary problems: I can't access the other skills to drag them into my Custom hotbar and, more importantly, I can't change the settings on their reactions.
  5. This sounds really cool! Great idea!
  6. They all worked fine for me through my first 2 starts. Could you be using a mod that has broken them?
  7. I recently finished my first playthrough of the game, and by the end I had just under 100k XP over the level 12 cap. I understand the game is balanced for level 12 characters, so I don't want to use one of the mods that introduces extra levels. But I do think that classes like Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, etc should be able to get the "replace spell" option every now and then after reaching level 12. Granted, the gold cost of a full re-spec is negligible by that point, but it's a hassle to go through the full level progression just to change 1 or 2 spells in your spellbook. I think it would be a nice solution if there were XP tiers after level 12 where classes that have the "replace spell" feature when levelling could access said feature again.
  8. Whenever I start a surprise attack on an enemy by using a character that has the Extra Attack ability, I lose the extra attack option for the first round of combat. I've done some digging online, and this seems to be a fairly common bug. You can work around it by starting combat with a different character, of course, but that is often less than ideal. For example, a Barbarian's Feral Instinct would make them a great choice for initiating surprise attacks - except for them losing their second attack of that turn! I don't know the first thing about modding, so haven't a clue how tough of an ask this is. I just know I would really like to have this bug solved. Given how easily I found others complaining about this online, I suspect I'm not alone.
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