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About weiht68

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  1. Maybe, or better - probably, a stupid question (or 2). Have you installed some animations? Sorry - had to ask because i have experienced this before. The second question is have you still non-ADXP/MCO animations running for exempel sheath or non combat idle? If so and you are using for eksempel Better Vampires (as a Vampire) you have to deactivate the Weapon speed + in the MCM of BV because otherwise all animations non ADXP becomming so slow that it looks like T-Pose. Maybe some other mods with weapon speed adjustments doing the same?
  2. What i don't understand is that your crash shouldn't appear when you have changed/deactivated everything i was writing before. At least you should get a crash log every time. Are you sure that every mod you use can be used on your gameversion? Backported support is a very good mod but nobody can guarantee that it's working with all mods. What messages/failures is LOOT giving you? Have you checked that Skyrim is working without any mod's and, if it does to enable mod's starting with skse and enginefixes? By the way, have you something changed in enginefixes.toml? The last thing is to try to verify your game against Steam but it could be that then Steam try's to update your game. Otherwise i am on the end of my knowledge. A last advice i have is to update your game to the latest version but that is a thing you have to decide.
  3. No, its not to weak. I am playing on a laptop OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Home v10.0.26100 CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen 7 5800H with Radeon Graphics GPU #1: Nvidia GA106M [GeForce RTX 3060 Mobile / Max-Q] GPU #2: AMD Cezanne [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series] GPU #3: Microsoft Basic Render Driver PHYSICAL MEMORY: 13.52 GB/31.40 GB GPU MEMORY: 4.54/5.11 GB without any problems BUT i was trying ENB and it was giving very low FPS. Was switching to Community shaders and everything runs nice and stable especially with activated SSE display tweaks and Skyrim upscaler.
  4. As Leonidas was saying FNIS data is necessary for Pandora to work because it covers all FNISS based needs for your game. AMMCO is from Arena movement wwhat i personally would not use because of lacking forum or also last file upload 2021. Distar is concentrating on https://www.distaranimation.com/mods/attack as framework.
  5. Her are some links for optimize your windows/hardware. Base for gaming https://www.hp.com/us-en/shop/tech-takes/how-to-optimize-pc-for-gaming from/for HP but a good starting point for configuration. Base Nvidia Control panel settings for Skyrim https://www.nolvus.net/guide/lite/setup scroll down to Graphic driver setup https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/best-nvdia-control-panel-settings/#dt-heading-best-nvidia-control-panel-settings-for-gaming-and-performance more in depth with some clarifications of the settings Base Bethini use I think one of the best introduction to Bethini/PIE that concentrates not only on Skyrim settings but also gives a nice over view. This one is also very good https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/videos/4261
  6. As i was saying before - don't use Autosave for fail search (or anything else by the way). That's from your latest log -"C:\Users\Riza\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Autosave1_77ED4E88_0_72797575646172_Tamriel_032353_20250124151635_70_1.skse" !!! Deactivate it !!! 1. Load your game -> open In game menu -> press Save. Quitt game to desktop. Use Resaver to test your Save. Clean all failures if some occurs. Do a Reset Havoc. Quitt Resaver. Switch off Autosave (manual in ini or with BethiniPie). Load your game with the cleaned Save. Run around, eventually go in a Inn when you have some around. Save your game. Go out again and try Fasttravel. Without a Inn do a save and try Fasttravel. 2. The latest parts of your crash log is naming Tera Elin racecontroller dll. Try to deactivat everything Tera Elin. Start a new game with a standard race and try if the problem still occurs. If not then you have to find a save in your normal play through where you still can fast travel. Do then like i was writing under point 1. Thats from my laptop with deactivated Hyper-V. Skyrim SSE v1.6.1170 CrashLoggerSSE v1-15-0-0 Oct 12 2024 11:33:37 Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF65350D84C SkyrimSE.exe+02DD84C jmp [rax+0xE8] Exception Flags: 0x00000000 Number of Parameters: 2 Access Violation: Tried to read memory at 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF SYSTEM SPECS: OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Home v10.0.26100 CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen 7 5800H with Radeon Graphics GPU #1: Nvidia GA106M [GeForce RTX 3060 Mobile / Max-Q] GPU #2: AMD Cezanne [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series] GPU #3: Microsoft Basic Render Driver PHYSICAL MEMORY: 13.52 GB/31.40 GB GPU MEMORY: 4.54/5.11 GB PROBABLE CALL STACK Have you restarted your windows after deactivating Hyper-V? PS: You are naming Copilot. Have you by chance also activated Onedrive? If so deactivate it. There was a thread before here on the forum not long ago where deactivation of it caused all crashes to disappear. I think he was also using MO2 if i remember correctly.
  7. To 3. from your newest crash log Detected Virtual Machine: Microsoft Hyper-V (100%) under SYSTEM SPECS: NvCamera64.dll under MODULES: C:\Users\Riza\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Autosave2_77ED4E88_0_72797575646172_Tamriel_040035_20250123184156_70_1.skse is your save what you have loaded. Try to make a normal save because as i was writing before - Quick and Autosave creates problems. You can download Fallrim tools for cleaning save files from https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5031?tab=files (i use .636). Start resaver and clean if necessary (you get a window comming up if you have problems in your savefile). Go then to "Clean" and press for exempel "Remove unattached instances" when you see this failure in the windows on the right side. A small tip - also use, after you have cleaned away everything, "Reset Havok". You can also use every point under "Clean". Then close Resaver. When Resaver asks if you are sure press yes because the tool is making a safety copy from the original save what you can then start from the main menu skyrim under load/charakter. NV (Nvidia) camera can you deactivate normaly in you graphic driver settings. The easier way to deactivate NVcamera is to go to "C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\" and search for NvCameraEnable.exe, open a terminal as Administrator (write cmd in search bar-> Command prompt-> Run as Administrator-> copy/write the path of the folder it was in followed by "NvCameraEnable.exe off". Hyper-V (if you don't need it) you can deactivate in your Windows system settings. Write Hyper-V in your search bar and then it should come up "Turn windows features on or off". Turn off Virtual machine plattform and also Hyper visor. Here a link you can safely follow the steps to optimize your Windows 11. https://www.xda-developers.com/how-to-optimize-windows-11-for-gaming/ To deactivate Auto/quicksave you have to go in the Skyrim ini files. To make it easier to change the parameters it is better to use BethiniPIE. https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/631 You can find a lot of tips how to work with it depending on your computer setup around the web and first and foremost here https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/Guide:Skyrim_Configuration_Settings . You find also a lot of other ini related information on the forum side from BethiniPIE. Thats all from my side.
  8. Do you see FNIS data in your mod list after Pandora run? PS: Try to deactivate AMMCO.
  9. There are different things i think could be the problem. 1. Which version of LUX you are using?Maybe reinstall. 2.When you are using modorganizer2 you should create in your antivirus a exception for your whole game/MO2 directory. 3. Check your windows installation (i have seen Hyper-V is activated) and graphic driver settings and go through the settingsdepending on your setup. Deactivate nvcamera if you are not using it. This was the problem for me last time the graphic driver was getting a update. 4. Check your netscript framework version and eventually update. If possible install also Net V8. I have found some mods who are now depending on this in the last weeks/months but the version is mostly not stated in the description. 5. Also reeinstall VCredist both the x86 and the x64 version. Thats it from my side because i use the last gameversion from steam with vortex. PS: When you are using male character try to go away from SOS and change to TNG could also be a possible solution. PS:PS: You should not use/deactivate quicksave and autosave. They are prone to fail often.
  10. I think i am getting a heart, flesh and also bloodpotion when you say that you are hungry but not sure.
  11. There is one thing more you can check. Try to deactivate your Antivirus and check if this helps. If it does set everything skse + enginefixes + skyrimlauncher/skyrim.exe in your exception list of your Antivirus. But this is my last idea.
  12. Have you seen the last post on the adress library mod page? If this is function also for you give a kudos to LiviYan. Otherwise on my side not more ideas (Vortex and 11.70 user) but i think also it has something todo with a path/placement what's not right.
  13. Good idea. I am no modder by any means so sorry for that but i remember a very good "origin" film on youtube for the dragonborn. It was a 2 part fan film where the dragonborn was comming back from Cyrodil where his father was going before his birth. He (dragonborn) was working as a librarian or something. If i find it again i will post the link. Maybe you find some ideas also there.
  14. If you have still sudden drops on the fps after install upscaler it could be a high script load. Then you have to check your mods - for exempel Sands of time mod has a lot scripts running in the background or also Wetfunction redux if this is configured wrong. If you are also using sse display tweaks take a look at the ini file. If i remember correctly in the standard ini it opens up the game to the max fps/frequency your display can handle. I (144Hz laptop display) was getting a lot better performance if i was setting the max framerate to 85. If you have 60Hz display set also max framerate to 60.
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