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Everything posted by maker85

  1. in console ReloadCurrentClimate or rcc = Reloads values from the current climate ReloadCurrentWeather or rcw = Reloads values from the current weather ToggleRainSplash or trs = Toggle Rain Splashes SetRainLevel or srl = float, new world rain level RainOcclusion or ro = Toggle Rain Occlusion SetWetnessLevel or swl = float, new world wetness level few hours later i had see this discussion searching "soe" i found something , try this mod with lord of the rings rainbegone https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36127?tab=files maybe
  2. with hold ctrl and build you create nif file bodyslide folder
  3. spoiler ultrahighresolution and old textures are the same xd (10 years old) something new basefemaleheadwrinkles_n.dds
  4. 2nd problems solved, I solved it by extracting the interface, now i have all description ...., i think i check if all archives are extracted, now fallout4 folder it is 223 gb (without mods) but i'm ready for rebuilt the game and i will try all nexus
  5. wow many hours, days laters i solved 1 thing, now the skin face it is ok , I solved it by extracting the ultrahightextures in the textures folder maybe it depend from your options, i have ultra options
  6. now i see the "Fallout4 - Textures1" to 9 and "DLCUltraHighResolution - Textures01" to 16 files have the same names in the same folders , 90 minutes for overwrite all with ultra, after that i will see also the difference from new ultra high textures and olders textures :))
  7. 194 textures archives , 85922 files, in bsa browser, extracted 48685 files in textures folder 76 gb, ( maybe doubles textures ?) , at end nothing change with "bInvalidateOlderFiles=1" the same problem
  8. you can build for all , with bodyslide with build button you overwrite meshes\actor\character\characterassets\femalebody.nif or .. \malebody.nif (for all), hold ctrl and click on build button for create your nif in data folder , with outfitstudio you can modify or create new outfit with different body in the clothes folder or clothes for actor , (your npc or campanion with body as clothes can have multiples bodies ) , basefemalebody or basemalebody i'm not sure if those are for player
  9. now i try to extract all textures files (85922) in the folder, I will update the post once the extraction is completed
  10. hello , i can't do nothing xd, 1st problem : in the file Fallout4Custom.ini [Display] iLocation X=0 iLocation Y=0 [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= with "bInvalidateOlderFiles=0" i can't use the mods, but the game work good, with "bInvalidateOlderFiles=1" many face skin are black without textures (only eyes", i need to change it with command slm in the console , or with "bInvalidateOlderFiles=1" without textures folder in the data folder the face work good, but i will need it for the mods 2nd problem : with "bInvalidateOlderFiles=1" in the menu and others things i get "lookup failed" 3rd problem for now less important, I'll think about it if I find a solution the rest is to make mcm work
  11. hello, i'm new here, i had this problem , the only solution i found is to save more often until you overcome the problem, another time i had made the parson's area inaccessible, i had added about 20 soldiers with the console, it worked immediately but when i returned later the game exited without messages, i had to choose a save before that pointthe only thing
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