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About willstrongh

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  1. This worked for me! To reiterate my process: 1. I downloaded FrostyModManager.zip from FrostyToolsuite version on github. Unzipped it. 2. It has FrostyModManger exe file to run. I ran it as administrator since my game is installed on C drive(system drive). 3. Installed all the mods i wanted. The older DAIMODs need to be unzipped first; then respective .daimod files are to be dragged on FrostyModManager. It is still hit or miss if they will work i read. 4. Ran Epic games where i had the game. Then ran EA desktop app(First game launch from epic games will automatically have you run and install EA desktop app). Ran FrostyModManager and launched the game from it. Mods did not work. 4. Imp parts: Downloaded DataPathFixPlugin.dll v1.7.1 from github which op has provided the link for and put it in FrostyModManager>Plugins folder. 5. Downloaded FrostyFix v5.3.0 from github. It needs .NET 6 Desktop Runtime to work. Installed that from link provided on the same page.(Make sure to download the .NET DESKTOP RUNTIME version and not just .NET Runtime. It is a little down in the middle of the page. I don't know if it makes a difference, but just following instructions! Also, download x64 version or x86 depending on your operating system. Almost everyone has x64 bit OS though). 6. Ran FrostyFix - again as administrator. Game selected DA:Inquisition, Platform: EA Desktop. Launch with Mods Enabled. 7. It restarted the EA Desktop app but didn't actually launch the game. So i manually launched the game on EA app and the mods worked! 8. After reading this post, i downloaded the previous FrostyModManager version from FrostyToolsuite. Unzipped. Went into plugins folder and copied the LaunchPlatformPlugin.dll into my main version of FrostyModManager Plugins folder. (Basically only needed that dll file from it.) 9. Restarted main FrostyModManager that is version which has all the mods installed(again as administrator). Went into Tools Menu> Options > Launch Options Tab> Tick Platform Launching Enabled and select the Platform as EA Desktop. Save. 10. Ran the game from the FrostyModManager this time and viola it worked! A few notes: Sometimes the EA app will disconnect constantly and try to reconnect on a loop. Exit the whole app from quick launch or task manager. No need to exit FrostyModManager. The first launch usually gives trouble everytime and gets stuck on 'preparing the game'. Exiting the app from quick launch and retrying usually works. Can also try having EA app and Epic games opened beforehand. Definitely run ModMangers as admin if the game is on system drive. (Can try the same with EA and Epic games apps). I have read on multiple articles to disable the Launch options from tools menu if you are using DataPathFixPluglin.dll or outright delete the LaunchPlatformPlugin.dll from the Plugins folder in FrostyModmanager. I try it and it opens the EA Desktop app on a loop when launching the game from ModManager or just gets stuck on 'preparing the game' without actually launching the actual game. It sometimes even asks for admin permission to run DragonAgeInquisition.exe file yet it won't run the game; just reopen the EA app. Manual launch won't work either. The LaunchPlatformPlugin.dll is what let me launch it from mod manager. Otherwise the other option was to launch with FrostyFix - It won't launch the game, only bring up the EA app But a manual launch would enable the mods and launch the game properly. FrostyFix is not needed to be opened after doing all the steps. Only needed when adding a new game - The Frostyfix mentions to disable mods if we ever want to play another game from same game Engine which is Frostbite Engine (games like BF2). Finally, if you want to test quickly if the mods are working, the old DAO Font mod or skip Intro mod are pretty handy.
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