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About jackhoffmen

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  1. This is your one stop shop for all(?) things DMC5 (Devil May Cry 5) and Blender So as it stand's i have only test this for myself, so please DO post your issues and technicalities and the like Link's to all the plugins i use in Blender 3.4 Blender-RE-Engine-Model ("REI" for convince) SEModel (io_model_semodel) SEAnim (io_anim_seanim) And incase you experience some errors, also try my copy of the above plugin's My Copy Onto All of the goods and bad's have found out about this combo of plugins --REI-- REI imports models flawlessly sets up materials perfectly imports textures automatically sucks at skeletons Verdict: overall its the best for just moving meshes with their materials from point a to b, or for importing How to REI: REI uses .mesh and .mdf, while selecting your file for import select both a mesh and mdf(basically the materials for the model) --SEModel-- Import's model's okay-ish sucks at materials cant really do textures Working and good skeletons Verdict: Just use the skeletons off of SEmodel, it will work a whole lot better How to SEM: It's one file, i get why you are reading this though. --SEAnim-- Animations. Verdict: DISAPEAR INTO THE NIGHT How to SEA: Before opening the import prompt, select a skeleton (Yes the one from SEmodel) THEN import your SE anim --Other Stuff-- --Faq Basically-- Q:"How do i get mesh and mdf files" A:"use RETool Or RETool" (same program just different links) Q:"How do i get SEModel(.semodel) files" A:"Use Tyrant and in settings(bottom left of app, click big gear icon) make sure its set under Models, also make sure to enable Export As SEAnim" Image Q:"Will there be a video guide to skeleton swapping(replacing .mesh skeletons because they suck" A:"If i can get like, one comment on this, i will make one this week."
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