Hello. I enjoy games with breeding and I spend a lot of my free time playing them!
I noticed in HL that there's not a whole lot to the breeding system, as you only breed to get more materials or maybe to get the color variations.
I've no idea how to mod, or I would create it myself, however I would love to see a mod that adds more to the breeding.
The main idea I have seems like it would be simple maybe? however it wouldn't actually affect anything in the game other than being a number.
This is idea is to attach algorithms to beasts, to where they spawn with genetic potential that can be raised through breeding.
For example; A unicorn spawns with 100 genetic potential (this potential cannot be changed at all, they are born with a set number), you take that unicorn and breed it to another one with 100 genetic potential, their offspring will have ~105 genetic potential. If a unicorn has 90 potential, and you breed it to one with 100 potential, the offspring will have ~95 potential.
So the breeding would add a little potential if the parents are close in potential, or it would give an average if the parent's potentials have a higher difference.
That's the general idea. Maybe could add in other factors to sway the potential.
It would also, of course, be cool to see more variations of colors, difference in sizes, and material yields/durations, and maybe stats based on breeding.
Maybe mutations/traits that can be bred by chance and passed down by chance to offspring? Like a trait that adds material yield, or one that adds speed, etc.
There's a mod that expands on the broom upgrades, such as adding acceleration levels, speed levels, turn speed levels, etc.,
with a point system to spend on the different stats for your broom.
I'd love to see these types of upgrades, or in this case training, applied to rideable beasts.
Perhaps breeding could increase the cap of how much/how high you can train your beasts,
for example a rescued wild beast could have up to 3 points in trainable speed, but a bred beast
that has been acquired through many generations of breeding, could have up to 8 points in trainable speed.
You could target a certain stat (speed, turn speed, etc) and increase it through breeding.
I have many more ideas about how the beasts and breeding could be improved, but I feel like for me personally,
just adding numbers to the beasts would be enough for me to want to breed more, even if it has no actual effect.
Making numbers go big make brain go brr. I need, big please.