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About Gplayerholyknight

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  1. @PeterMartyr @xkkmEl Thank you very much for answering Im very noob in scripting so i didn't understand anything u wrote, But now i had some research and realised that my script grants player experience once the player is getting hit & the player is wearing heavy gloves, so not the thing I actually needed to do Now i think about using Perk Entry - apply combat hit spell, and just using a spell which grants exp if conditions are met Looks like my method is kinda easier then mentioned earlier in this topic Gonna update when i check my idea
  2. Hey guys, started some modding, as a begining want to rework perk trees, wanted to add Heavy Armor skill exp on unarmed hit(using a heavy glove), hadnt found any non-script methods for this, so below is my script, and i have no ideas if it is working(in-game check shows that it works, but kinda not always) Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) If akAggressor == Game.GetPlayer() If (Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedItemType(1) == 0) If (abHitBlocked == true) Game.AdvanceSkill("HeavyArmor", 5) elseif (abHitBlocked == false) Game.AdvanceSkill("HeavyArmor", 7) endif endif endif Endevent Script is added to a mgef which is to ability(constant\self) which is to perk Help me please
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