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About Dratina

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  1. I know it's literally almost 9 years later, but do you have some more specific information on this? Is it just the human heads formlist? You said there were several.
  2. So a I found another thread where a user found a solution with creation kit, but I don't understand creation kit yet unfortunately. Buuut if this is useful to someone here ya go:
  3. +1 on a race mod called Kyubi, this is maximum pain
  4. Thank you, I'll check it out And I don't care if I have to set it manually, I just am tired of the extra inventory clutter xD
  5. I'm the kind of player who likes having tons of outfits, after installing a lot of outfit mods I've noticed that a lot of them will have simple changes to the outfit as entirely different outfits. (For example, a button up shirt might have an alt where the top buttons are undone). I'm curious if there's a mod that can store outfits as alternative versions of a current outfit so that you could change it on the fly without having the inventory clutter and additional weight that comes from carrying those alternative versions? I think I've heard about a mod like this, but I can't find any such mod nor can I find anything on the forums, maybe I'm going crazy but I would appreciate pointers.
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