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  1. @insomnious I'm now on discord and still having trouble with BG3 & Vortex mods working. Can we chat on discord?
  2. @tom23 Yes, completely from scratch. I guess I can stop patch 6 and download 7 again. BG3MM is mod manager correct?
  3. @tom23 I'm doing the same myself - downloading patch 6 and starting over from scratch. I tried patch 7 and nothing worked. So I've wiped BG3 entirely and Vortex and now starting all over again. Should I try the mods patch 7 or no?
  4. Hi! The mod creator may be able to answer that. On their mod page, you should have a way to contact them. Otherwise, I'm sorry but I don't know. Best of luck to you!
  5. @Zanderat thanks for the comment and you are right. I did that plus uninstall Vortex and that failed. I had the exact same problem so I had to take it to the shop and they uninstalled everything. Now I have reinstalled Vortex, BG3 patch 7 then my mods. No errors and so I tried patch 7. No mods were showing (I have some that would show at the very beginning). I uninstalled patch 7, down loaded patch 6 and same problem - no mods are showing up. I'm at a loss now.
  6. I'm going to jump on this thread. I have downloaded patch 6 but looks like my mods aren't working. Vortex is 1.12.4 and BG3 (patch 6 beta) is 1.5.2. I'm not getting an error messages from Vortex and all mods have been updated.
  7. Thanks to everyone who posted. I had to take my pc to the shop because the reason for the error would change every time. They had to completely wipe the game and Vortex, including app data, off my pc in order to get it to work and now I'm back downloading everything from scratch *cries*. I have patch 7 downloaded and BG3 now won't run Vortex mods. Can I downgrade to patch 6?
  8. I'm not. Now i'm nervous. The thing is, the error path changes regularly. The one in the post is not there all the time. Here's a screenshot from just a few minutes ago...
  9. Hi! Please help, I'm stuck I have Vortex version 1.12.4. I'm on my PC, windows 10 (system info below) loving playing Baldur's Gate 3, patch 7 (purchased from Steam.) I'm new and did things a bit out of order. I had no problems playing the game with patch 6, but after I uploaded patch 7, I had a difficult time. I uninstalled the complete game, reinstalled it and removed most of my mods. The mods listed below are those that remain and I can' t remove. I discovered the "load order" section of Nexus after this and have been trying to follow it's instructions. BUT every time I try to purge, it fails and I get a firewall error (screenshot provided below) despite Nexus & BG3 being whitelisted. The path changes but it's always a firewall error of some sort. Here are the mods. Thank you in advance!
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