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About deadlydonut77

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  1. look up radio mods on nexus, if i recall one of them gives instructions on how to customize your own playlist for the radio. thinking back i believe it is a seperate "radio" from the pipboy one where you press a hotkey to play the audio in-game. maybe other radio mods achieve what your looking for hope this helps
  2. there are mods that give advantages like the no spin up mod that removes the spin-up animations for the minigun and other guns that take a second to start firing. ive seen requests to remove doors on raids like the no west-tek doors (useful for XP Farming i bet) thhings like that have a chance but the no west-tek doors mod has been here for a while. i think the modding there referring too is weapons, armour ect being injected to the game. if you look up "Legendary Apparel" or "UNY Power Armour" on google youll find some examples of what im talking about. Some go far enough to make miniguns shoot nukes or things like that. those will get you banned. There are some examples of people having had or used items like the UNY PA like Vlad armstrong he made a video testing it where they havent been banned. but the question will remain for those and all they have to do is check for those items on your character for them to ban you. Hope this helps (P.S. all mods on nexus should follow the rules and regulations for modding. they will not allow cheats to be posted here and many things that have gone under question are removed)
  3. it would be rather hard to get a list of all the mods working since every update can break mods unless they are mantained by the creator. HUDEditor works but it hasnt been improved upon for a while, same goes for other mods but they will have the necessary files updated so it can work at least. your best bet is to look at the comments for the mods most people will be reporting bugs or incompatibility there.
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