So me and my friend have just started to play Elden ring and using the seamless co-op mod, this is also a completely new play thorough not the playthrough of where we imported the data from solo game play, i have been the host who opens the world using the pot item and my friend joins to play, this is the second day of trying this mod and when clearing the tower my game had crashed black screened and kicked me out of the game, i opened co-op again and checked my inventory to open the world again for my friend to join but i cant find any of the items neither the separation mist nor the pot , all the items are gone but the progress is saved i have spawned from where i had left off, I've restarted few times and checked if there is any updates for Elden ring and tried checking for integrity files in game but still the items don't show, I've tried resting grace site but still the items don't appear, is there any solution to this?