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Nexus Mods Profile

About SariaRosegold

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  1. add extra weapons, adjust them inward or outward to avoid clipping, rotate them, etc, while keeping them on the actual weapon rack node rather than using something like Jaxonz item placement to fake it. also allowing for size change so you could have a massive shield on the wall if you wanted.
  2. (May edit later to add more specific thoughts on this) but yeah, the character Thancred (mostly likely the version of him from the Shadowbringers expansion onward) would make for a really good follower. he has a lot of voiced lines i think could be usable and is just overall a fun character, and i think he'd work well as a follower for Skyrim. throughout the game he uses a short sword, twin daggers, then a gunblade, which i saw earlier is already something on the Nexus, though might need a new model. he also has 3 distinctly different outfits if different versions of him strike your fancy, though his main look is a heavy trenchcoat with some armor underneath. also, his primary voice actor, Peter Bramhill, has a Cameo and you can probably get him to voice any line you want. Edit 1: nevermind, his literal gunblade is already on the nexus https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/56720?tab=posts
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