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Everything posted by Imdno

  1. @felineee wow you are really good! unfortunately i dont have any work for you but i wish i did. lol i just listened to your sample out of curiosity and i was captivated! your tone and timber are smooth but not boring, kind of a timeless feminine . i could see a fantasy character or a scifi character and obviously any style of european... im no expert but you have a beautiful voice, reminds me of some songs i love by pink martini. best of luck to you.
  2. thank you both, i guess i should start with some you tube videos on the very very basics like how do i initiate my game ( ie do i log into steam and select, or click on the shortcut in my computer etc...) and then do i need to initiate the mod or is it just going to happen on its own... yeah im completely over my head i think. there is always xbox i guess lol... i am surprised at how unintuitive this is (at least for me) i play skyrim and witcher 3 and the division. so far those are the only ones i have on the computer. tons more on the consoles but brand new to computer gaming. i guess i need to give some thought to if i can do this. i struggle with frustration and emotional regulation since my accident. totally sucks and makes socializing pretty challenging. i appreciate the replies from both of you, and i will likely reach out with specific questions when a figure out what they are lol... its funny that i dont even know enough to ask a relevant question yet. ill get there.
  3. hi all, I sure hope you guys are cool. im new here and somewhat of a rookie at online gaming in general. ive played console games but i avoid online stuff because people can be super douche baggy. i had a bad wreck and im learning to do stuff again and i dont get out too much yet. if you dont know let me tell you, its alot harder the second time! anyway i am hoping to build some basic skills here and meet some people who are cool and maybe when im done i can say video games changed my life! lol... (kinda true though) so if you will let me id like to let you know what im working with and see if anyone offers to help me get started... im a middle aged dude with mostly healed body and a semi jacked up noggin. i had a pretty basic wreck on my ktm but i hit my head on the rr tracks and woke up a month later. bla bla bla... so... i have my computer,and xbox, and ps console, i downloaded steam and created a nexus acct and downloaded vortex on my computer. i bought a couple games from steam yesterday and found some mods on nexus via vortex and now im totally lost what to do next... lol thats normal tho not cause of my broken mellon! what im asking is if any one is willing to help me get started so i dont ruin my days with frustration and bitterness... just keeping it real. i have time and toys and absulutely no clue, and i cant really go anywhere cause i get all f#@$ed up and get lost...:( so thats my deal and thats what im working with. like i said i sure hope you guys are cool. thanks again. Imdno
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