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Everything posted by GateDiggers

  1. In New Vegas you could use the F1,F2, and F3 keys to toggle the three tabs in the pip boy, and toggling it again while in that tab closes the pip boy. This is missing in Fallout 4. Instead they added new controls to navigate the tabs by using the "W" and "S" buttons which I do not like. When you are walking and holding the W button down, and then open the pip boy, releasing W causes the tab to change. Dumb. Would love to see both of these issues fixed
  2. This would make the process of transferring items so so much easier where I can just hold down the control button and click on every stack of items that I want. New vegas had this functionality built in I believe, or maybe it was from a mod, but I remember playing that game with this same exact functionality
  3. This can aleady be done with this mod. Just enable the setting to hide hitmarkers in the config file https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/953?tab=files
  4. I want this too. There should be some real world animals and also some mutated. Just like there are human npcs and ghouls. I find it hard to believe that 100% of the wildlife mutated but not the vegetation. The over exaggeration of mutated creatures makes this game feel too fantasy like, like Skyrim.
  5. What do you call this and how come I seem to be the only one noticing this? It happens in Fallout 4 too on my old PC too. Really pisses me off because it causes the WRONG ITEMS to be used since the item the mouse cursor is hovering over is not being highlighted. I just don't get how something as trivial as this is not being fixed by the community or even noticed by anyone else https://imgur.com/a/65rPMUT
  6. I am sick of trying to do something simple like sitting down and then I have to wait for 5 seconds for a third person animation to occur. Same thing with Terminals. Everything should be instant when in first person. It just breaks my immersion when delays are artificially introduced to do extremely simple tasks that in real life can be done in half a second.
  7. Considering that the "next gen update" for Fallout 4 did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, I doubt there is much signficiance between these two versions. I am still playing legendary edition because I dont feel like starting over with installing all new mods
  8. I wouldn't mind these toggles if the last state was saved. I find it sooo annoying that every time I go to a workbench I have to toggle these two options. I don't even know what the difference is. How could I mod this to change this behavior? Im familiar a little bit with extracting archives and modifying files
  9. I see what you are talking about. Someone please remove this crap it turns the game into a stupid childish cartoon and deters me from playing in events where inevitably some clown will always use a lunchbox
  10. I haven't played this game since 2021 because I lost interest because my computer just couldn't handle this game the way I wanted. My new PC should run it fine, but I heard awful things about this "next gen" update that broke everything and offered nothing good in return. Should I be making my new build based off an older version of Fallout 4 before the update and installing older versions of mods? Or should I use the latest version? It seems this update split the community in half and now modders have to cater to two versions of the game. Such a dumb idea. I still have my original saves and manual backups of the game, as I never had auto updates in steam enabled and always used F4se to launch the game, for this very reason because I know how unnecessary updates become especially when you have modders that have already worked in parallel to fix most of the issues already.
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