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About ImranoWavy

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  1. Shadow of Skyrim is the best alternate death mod. It actually brings enemies to life and makes you care about the ones who defeat you. I love this mod. The things is though, the creator, SoloManGames, has moved on to create his own game which is completely fair and I wish him the best. But I feel like this mod has more potential. I am sure that other people have other great ideas that they would want for this mod so feel free to leave your suggestions and wishes in the comment section. What I really want is something along the lines of: -Dialogue expansion. -Ability to choose their fate (kill, spare, report to authorities... you get the idea). -The option to interact with nemesis before choosing their fate. Let me elaborate on these points. Dialogue expansion: Nemeses recognize and taunt you when you return. Or maybe they even fear you depending on how many of their allies you killed before they got you or depending on how close to death they were during the first encounter. Feel free to expand, these are just ideas. Ability to choose their fate/Option to interact with nemesis before choosing their fate: Instead of them dying on the final hit they drop to the ground instead and are set as non-hostile so that followers don't kill them. Now you can interact with them when they are down and pick something to tell them. Maybe these lines vary depending on what status your nemesis has. Also it would be cool to have different ways of saying stuff depending on if my character is some vengeance driven killer or if he is an honorable knight. There should be some lines for you to say to them where you mock them and rub the salt in, some lines where you respect them, some lines where you choose to spare and some where you choose to report them to the guards. What would be cool about this is that it would enhance roleplay and you could get even more immersed. If you choose to kill them you could either give them an honorable death, burn them, poison them or even soul trap them... whatever way you want to do it you could. If possible it would also be cool if depending on the nemesis they will have different reactions to your choice. A Nord may be offended that you would choose to spare him, a Thalmor may try to bribe you, a Bandit may thank you for sparing but then try to get the jump on you after etc. Again feel free to add on to this I am sure you all have other great ideas. Most of this should of course be configurable in an MCM menu. Doesn't this sound awesome? Surely I can't be the only one.
  2. I love Skyrim Reputation. But if you research just a little bit you will see that so many people have had their saves broken by this mod. When I started the companions I noticed that because I was renowned I was let in immediately without having to go through a trial and I loved it. But that also resulted in me not being able to continue the quest line because for some reason it just completely messed up the questline. Obviously this could all just be patched probably but if there have been made multiple religion mods, multiple alternate death mods, multiple combat overhauls, then why has there not been made multiple reputation and status mods? I won't write down a bunch of requirements I would want in this. I think that mod authors are much more creative and understand the scope much better than I do. Surely I can't be the only one who longs for this. Skyrim Reputation was good for its time but I think we can do better in today. Anyone with me?
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