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About maralieus81

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  1. For a little update, I got some help from OP on this and I can give a bit more info. If you want to mod someone else's mod, you can just use UassetGUI, open containers, choose the mod you want to edit, then just click on the endeavor file, right click and extract the whole endeavor folder. It will automatically bring up the window for the output and you can just go right into the difficulty slider, class def and chassis def, edit the numbers with notepad, save it. Then back out to the UassetGUI output folder that holds the endeavor folder that UassetGUI opened for you. There you just make a new folder with whatever you want to call your mod, then drag the endeavor folder right into your newly made mod folder. Now drag that folder into the UnrealPak and drop it right onto the"pak with compression" file. It will bring up a quick powershell command saying press any key to continue. Hit a key and bam, you have a new pak mod. Now you just put that in your mods folder, or compress it to zip and upload it for the community! If you need to know the original stats so you can have a reference for the OG game, you can use FModel. To use that you just point it to the games paks folder in content/paks and it will automatically populate a list of all the paks in the game. Most of them are greyed out, that's because you haven't gone to the menu and selected AES and used the code OP posted in the OP. Put that in and they are no longer greyed out. Now you can go to the chassis def, class def and difficulty sliders that you are editing in UassetGUI. Click on the one you want to edit, go to the right side of FModel and grab everything and copy it. I like to just make a notepad for each one I want to edit and copy everything off the FModel page and paste it onto notepad so you can have it right there to copy paste at will without needing FModel anymore. Just make sure you save it as something new. Or don't save and don't close and it stays open in notepad forever. Then when you open another mod to edit in notepad the OG file code will be right there for you to reference or copy and paste to your mod.
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