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About Ikage7

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  1. I need help. I want to make a AI package or series of Packages or possible a script (This is my first time doing one of this scale and I can't find a guide for what I specifically want) that switches a companion's weapon/spell actions in combat based on time, enemy distance and number of enemies. For example: At the start of combat I want him to use his three buff abilities that will then go on a two-three minute cooldown. After that if the enemy is at very long range he will use one of his long rang weapons. If they are at medium range he will switch to another range weapon. And if it is short range a shot gun weapon. Then if he is surrounded by by more then three enemies to use one of two AOEs centered on self which then go on cool-down Finally if they get to melee range to pick one of three melee weapons to use. Also I am planning on a abilities to let him Teleport close to them and use melee which would also have a cool-down but separate from the buffs this might need some code in which case I would need some help please. I know some basic coding but not sure I can do this once my own. I am currently thinking of copying the Synth teleport script and altering it to fit what I need but if that does not work I could try a tutorial for Teleporting in Skyrim and plan to try that out to see if it works. If more information is needed on what each Buff does specifically I can provide that. The variables would be the following if I need any or have to do any coding: Atk Buff Cooldown (Int or Float) 2 min Def Buff Cooldown (Int or Float) 2 min Spd Buffs Cooldown (Int or Float) 5 min Teleport Cooldown (Int or Float) 2-4 min Invisible cooldown (Int or Float) 2-4 min AOE_1 Cooldown (Int or Float) 1-2 min AOE_2 Cooldown (Int or Float) 1-2 min Enemy number (Int > 3) Is Atk Buffs off Cooldown? (Bool) Is Def Buffs off Cooldown? (Bool) Is Speed Buffs off Cooldown? (Bool) Is Tele off Cooldown? (Bool) Is Invisible off Cooldown? (Bool) Is AOE_1 off Cooldown? (Bool) Is AOE_2 off Cooldown? (Bool) Is Long Range? (Bool) Is Medium Range? (Bool) Is Short Range? (Bool) Is Enemies Engaged Range? (Bool) Enemies greater than 3? (Bool) Engage weapon (Int) random number 0-2 If there is a way to simplify it while still making it work I am open to that as well. Possible extra variables if needed Is Hostile (Bool) checks if hostile to target Is Crouching (Bool) checks if crouching Teleport uses (int) max of 2 reset on timer Weapon active (Int) 0-4 keep track of current weapon In combat (Bool) confirm combat state Companion (Int or Bool) Teleporting (Bool) To stop attacks til anim done Is Invisible (Bool) will not attack til engaged with enemy
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