I just started and learned how to make a terminal.
My goal is to display two different stats as text and two different options to select. (4 menu items)
The stats are how many have I killed certain type of enemies.
For example, enemies that have a certain keyword, like 'ActorType***' == 1 as a condition, checking combat (don't know how),
And display that as a text, "** Enemies killed : (Number)".
I first thought I could use "GetValue" on Actor value, and copy & paste '<Token.Name=**>' to output the value.
But the placeholder <Token.Name=**> was just literally the text in the terminal.
How do I get some value I want and display it in the terminal?
Also, I'd like to learn how to make an action button in terminal
that can input some resources I gather (like paying off bounty) and get something else in return.
I've been opening the bethesda base files for examples and googling for ages, but it was all in vain.