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About MitchTheStitch

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  1. I got you bro. I can check about all the above for you. My seasonal work has slowed as well and I have a few hrs of boredom everyday. Send me a message
  2. Recently started doing some voice work again locally. I used to be a late night DJ in Greensboro, NC for the local rock station back 2010-2014 I have plenty of free time coming up with my busy season over. Deep Southern American male tone and accent though I am able to neutralize the accent if preferred. Age range of voice is 30s-40s I have a very high reading comprehension with experience reading script lines and following page cues. Have been involved in theater since age 6 off and on with an ability to also translate to English depending on the language and deepness of the context. Anyone wanting to check out what I have on offer simply contact me with a few lines you'd like to read either here or my email @[email protected]. I prefer understanding my lines before giving material examples but I can also do them on the fly if requested
  3. Yeah I know Oblivion is something I'd have to research to do and thankfully I'm pretty competent enough with Fallout 4's now that you saying that I may look into doing a few things for Skyrim too
  4. Make them a merchant in the cell. Give them no real loot to spawn. Label the trade option in dialogue to be like you're searching her or hide it altogether. Put her on a time cycle with a bed and some idle time animation crap scattered around the cell anything from the prisoner kneeling position marker to a chair or bed even a counter with some paper there may be a pencil writing animation in the vanilla game somewhere that would fit a prisoner I forget all the ones I've seen over the years It's a placeholder idea don't hate on it too much lol Edit for simpler fix: lock the jail door with a terminal so you can re-engage the lock after interacting with her. Jail cell doors are generally locked right after all
  5. Well it would use the third person one if you are using enhance camera mod which I have on there. Also is the FO3 G.E.C.K. identical to the NV one or are the different in any way? I haven't ever tried anything in the one for FO3 really
  6. So yeah, I found it but now the issue is that for some reason the script to add the item to the player isn't working correctly lol even though I've checked the ids and everything so i got from one rabbit hole to another. I was able to call on it using the TTW mod that adds FO3 and its assets as a DLC, to which DLC03 and DLC04 ghoul grenades both show when checking the filter, so I know they are in there somewhere. Here are the scripts in HotLoader .gek form if anybody would ever want to take a look and a link to the mod so y'all can see what I'm going for https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/90401 ReaverGrenadeAddRemoveEffect.gek ReaverGrenadeRadChecker.gek
  7. Anyone know under what category or maybe even the name for the feral ghoul reavers flesh grenade or something similar? Trying to get my Radiation mod to let the player get the ability when the disease is high enough but I can't seem to find it anywhere in FNV or FO3 to figure it out. I've checked through the G.E.C.K. and Fnvedit for two days now. I'd hate to have to build from scratch instead of simply calling on an already included asset
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