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About Arnivarez

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  1. Hey Stalker 2 modding community, I have really been enjoying the game however I do have one small problem I have two dogs and I play the game audio through speakers, mostly because if I wear headphones then I cannot hear what my dogs are doing lol they are well trained however, whenever a dog barks in the background or I am attacked by the mutant dogs and they growl and wimper my dogs absolutely lose their minds thinking there are dogs outside lol I am by no means a modder and wouldn't even know where to start, but could somebody create a sound replacer/remover for this? for example: I used to play a lot of Fallout 4 and of course, Dogmeat was an issue sometimes, but somebody had created this https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14740 and it both solved my problem and was hilarious Thank you for your time
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