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About CarolinaJohnny777

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  1. Thanks For Future Closure Need Game Fixed Appreciate Your Time!!!!!!!
  2. Here Is The HTML FILE https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sPceZl_WAFLH6lOTHrrIr7ly4kcSgTEy/view?usp=sharing Here Is The MOD LIST + Harmony (Bannerlord.Harmony, v2.3.3.207) + ButterLib (Bannerlord.ButterLib, v2.9.18.0) + UIExtenderEx (Bannerlord.UIExtenderEx, v2.12.0.0) + Mod Configuration Menu v5 (Bannerlord.MBOptionScreen, v5.10.1.0) + Native (Native, v1.2.12.0) + SandBox Core (SandBoxCore, v1.2.12.0) + Sandbox (Sandbox, v1.2.12.0) + CustomBattle (CustomBattle, v1.2.12.0) + StoryMode (StoryMode, v1.2.12.0) + Alternative Renown Gains (AltRenownGains, v1.0.8.0) + Ancient Civilization (Ancient Civilization, e1.5.2.0) + (RBM) Realistic Battle Mod (RBM, v3.8.9.0) + Ancient Civilization: FullFix & RBM (AncientCivilization_FullFix-RBM, v1.0.0.0) + Enter Castle/Town With Horse (Aragas.CastleTownWithHorse, v1.0.9.0) + Arenas_extended (Arenas_extended, v1.1.0.1) + ArtOfWar (ArtOfWar, v1.2.17.0) + BahamutArmory (BahamutArmory, e1.5.2.0) + Banner Fix (BannerFix, v3.2.1.0) + BannerKings (BannerKings, v1.4.0.0) + EOE_Armoury (EOE_Armoury, v1.0.3.0) + Open Source Armory (OpenSourceArmory, v1.18.0.0) + Open Source Armory: RBM Patch (OpenSourceArmoryRBM, v1.18.0.0) + Open Source Saddlery (OpenSourceSaddlery, v1.8.0.0) + Open Source Saddlery: RBM Patch (OpenSourceSaddleryRBM, v1.8.0.0) + Open Source Weaponry (OpenSourceWeaponry, v1.8.0.0) + Open Source Weaponry: RBM Patch (OpenSourceWeaponryRBM, v1.8.0.0) + Historical Banner Icons (HistoricalBannerIcons, v1.2.8.0) + BannerKings - Cultures Expanded (BannerKings.CulturesExpanded, v1.1.0.0) + Houses of Calradia (HousesCalradia, v1.2.9.1) + Birth and Aging Options (BirthAndDeath, v1.2.12.0) + Powerful Heroes (Bannerlord.PowerfulHeroes, v1.1.6.0) + Bannerlord Expanded - Companion Expanded (BannerlordExpanded.CompanionExpanded, v1.2.12.1) + Bannerlord Expanded - Settlement Interactions (BannerlordExpanded.SettlementInteractions, v1.2.10.3) + Bannerlord Expanded - Spouses Expanded (BannerlordExpanded.SpousesExpanded, v1.2.12.0) + BetterCore (BetterCore, v24.12.30.1) + BetterMarriage (BetterMarriage, v25.1.1.1) + Better Save/Load (BetterSaveLoad, v1.2.4.0) + BetterUnderwear (BetterUnderwear, v1.0.3.0) + Calradia Rising Armory (CalradiaRisingArmory, e1.8.0.0) + ChangingCulture (ChangingCulture, v1.6.0.0) + Character Reload (CharacterReload, e1.2.10.0) + Complex Characters (ComplexCharacters, v1.0.3.0) + Custom Main Menu scene (CustomMainMenuScene, v1.0.0.0) + Dramalord (Dramalord, v3.3.12.0) + EoE Armoury RBM Patch (EoE_Armoury_RBM_Patch, v3.0.0.0) + EOE_Horse_Armoury (EOE_Horse_Armoury, e1.5.2.0) + EOE Horse Armoury RBM Patch (EOE_Horse_Armoury_RBM_Patch, v3.0.0.0) + EOE_Weaponry (EOE_Weaponry, e1.5.2.0) + EOE Weaponry RBM Patch (EOE_Weaponry_RBM_Patch, v3.0.0.0) + ExpandedArmouryBL (ExpandedArmouryBL, e1.5.2.0) + Give Horse Back On Upgrade (GiveHorseBackOnUpgrade, v1.2.11.0) + gondor (gondor, e1.7.0.0) + Governors Handle Issues (GovernorsHandleIssues, v1.1.0.4) + Grow Beard (GrowBeard, v1.0.4.0) + HealingOnKillBasedOnMedicineSkill (HealingOnKillBasedOnMedicineSkill, v1.1.0.0) + Hot Butter (HotButter, v2.0.6.0) + I Don't Care - Campaign Log Filter (IDontCare, v2.8.1.0) + Immersive Battlefields (ImmersiveBattlefields, v3.2.9.0) + Improved Horse Caparisons (ImprovedHorseCaparisons, e1.5.2.0) + Improved Garrisons (ImprovedGarrisons, v4.1.2.20) + Inventory Search Enabler (InventorySearchEnabler, v1.2.12.0) + KeepBattania_FullDiverse (KeepBattania_FullDiverse, v1.1.0.1) + KeepSturgia (KeepSturgia, v1.1.0.1) + lam and plate armors (lam and plate armors, v1.1.5.0) + Loading Screens 4K (Loading_Screens_4K, e1.6.2.0) + LogRaam's AutoBlocker Updated (LogRaamAutoBlocker, v2.0.0.0) + LordOfDuels (LordOfDuels, v0.1.9.0) + Lords and Ladies (LordsandLadies, e2.1.12.0) + MordhauRework (MordhauRework, v1.2.10.0) + More Prisoner Interactions (MorePrisonerInteractions, v1.2.9.0) + My Family (MyFamily, v1.0.0.0) + New Female Armor_VB (New Female Armor_VB, v1.2.11.0) + New Male Armor (New Male Armor, v1.2.11.0) + No Clan Size Pregnancy Limit (NoClanSizePregnancyLimit, v1.0.2.0) + No Relation (NoRelation, v1.1.0.0) + PrepareForGlory (PrepareForGlory, v2.1.20.0) + Prisoner Influence Gain (PrisonerInfluenceGainMod, v1.0.1.0) + Raise your Banner (RaiseYourBanner, v14.0.3.0) + Realistic Combat Adjustments (RealisticCombatAdjustments, v1.1.3.0) + Reinforcement System (ReinforcementSystem, v2.2.2.0) + Respec V4 (RespecV4, v1.0.7.0) + RTS Camera (RTSCamera, v4.1.33.0) + saxonsih armors (saxonsih armors, e1.5.2.0) + Shields - They Block Things! (Shields_TheyBlockThings, v1.0.2.0) + SmartRBMpatch (SmartRBMpatch, v1.1.3.0) + SmartRBMpatchSaddlery (SmartRBMpatchSaddlery, v1.0.2.0) + Snorri_Taverns_extended (Snorri_Taverns_extended, v1.1.0.1) + swadian armoury (swadian armoury, v1.0.0.0) + Swadian Armoury RBM (SwadianArmouryRBM_Balanced, v6.2.0.0) + Time Pass (TimePass, v1.3.2.0) + TournamentOfChampions (TournamentOfChampions, v1.0.15.0) + Troop Designer Restored (TroopDesignerRestored, v1.0.3.0) + Vaegir Armoury (Vaegir Armoury, v1.0.0.0) + Vaegir Armoury RBM (VaegirArmouryRBM, v2.1.0.0) + Auto Return (VanguardAutoReturn, v1.2.0.0) + Vlandian Steel Items (Vlandian_steel_items, v1.1.0.0) + Vlandian Steel RBM (Vlandian_steel_RBM, v1.1.0.0) + Westeros Armory (westerosarmory, e1.7.0.0) + Where Tournaments (WhereTournaments, v2.0.0.0) Women in Calradia (WomeninCalradia, v10.3.6.0) Xorberax's Legacy for v1.2.12 (XorberaxLegacy, v1.0.7.6)
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