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About chummymovie

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  1. It would allow mutants to do 20% 40% 60% and 80% more damage to make mutants as strong as you want. Or negative of those values if you want weaker mutants.
  2. I was using the deadly zone mod a while ago. And then found out about Roadside panic. I switched over to Roadside panic because it was much nicer. I then realized that Deadly Zone was quite similar to Roadside panic. Almost as if it were a tweaked version of Roadside panic.. So now I wonder if it was taken down because maybe it basically stole the Roadside panic base and tweaked it to be a mutants only mod. But yeah, check out Roadside panic. I use the lite version because the base version is non stop chaos.
  3. Have you tried roadside panic mod? I use the lite version because I do also like moments of serenity during exploration.
  4. There should be a mod where when you shoot the ground or some surface, debris is kicked up. If you shoot dirt/grass, dirt is kicked up. If you shoot concrete surface, concrete dust is kicked up. Anomaly does this already And its great shooting feedback. I'm surprised it's missing in Stalker 2. EDIT: So I played stalker 2 again and it turns out that projectile impact effects ARE there but they are so poor I had to really pay attention to notice them.
  5. How awesome would it be if you could blast rounds at a group of snorks making their way over a fence? What about a bloodsucker? There is so much room in Stalker 2s world and I find it a shame that the mutants are only limited to running around in open plains. If possible, mutants should be able to vault over things. I think it would make them a lot scarier, a lot more dynamic and it would add another dimension of realism to their AI. They would fall under 3 categories of vaulting heights: Knee height, Shoulder height, and Tall fence height. Bloodsucker: .................. Knee height / Shoulder height / Tall fence height Snork: ............................. Knee height / Shoulder height / Tall fence height Boar: ............................... Knee height Burer:............................... Knee height Cat: ................................. Knee height / Shoulder height / Tall fence height Chimera: ......................... Knee height / Shoulder height / Tall fence height Controller: ....................... Knee height Deer: ................................ Knee height Flesh: ............................... Knee height Poltergeist: ....................... N/A BlindDog: ......................... Knee height PseudoDog: ..................... Knee height Pseudogiant: ................... N/A
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