How awesome would it be if you could blast rounds at a group of snorks making their way over a fence? What about a bloodsucker?
There is so much room in Stalker 2s world and I find it a shame that the mutants are only limited to running around in open plains.
If possible, mutants should be able to vault over things. I think it would make them a lot scarier, a lot more dynamic and it would add another dimension of realism to their AI.
They would fall under 3 categories of vaulting heights: Knee height, Shoulder height, and Tall fence height.
Bloodsucker: .................. Knee height / Shoulder height / Tall fence height
Snork: ............................. Knee height / Shoulder height / Tall fence height
Boar: ............................... Knee height
Burer:............................... Knee height
Cat: ................................. Knee height / Shoulder height / Tall fence height
Chimera: ......................... Knee height / Shoulder height / Tall fence height
Controller: ....................... Knee height
Deer: ................................ Knee height
Flesh: ............................... Knee height
Poltergeist: ....................... N/A
BlindDog: ......................... Knee height
PseudoDog: ..................... Knee height
Pseudogiant: ................... N/A