Hello everybody,
I keep having random CTDs in both the Hall of Wonders and Hall of Heroes (Legacy of the Dragonborn by DarkLadyLexy). I ran both logs through the Skyrim Crash Detector and Phostwood's Skyrim Crash Log Analyzer.
The former says it’s “Unable to identify a clear cause for the crash”, but lists DBM_SkyrimSewers_Patch.esp in one log and DBM_CC_Fish_CuriosAddon.esp in the other as potential culprits, and then says “Unable to identify more information from this crash log.”
The latter says “No highest-confidence crash indicators detected”, but mentions “usvfs_x64.dll (User Space Virtual File System - MO2 - possible indicator of antivirus issue” (which tells me nothing tbh).
According to LOOT, everything seems to be in order. All plugins are up to date as well. I followed Lexy’s guide, since this is my first time using mods. I’m 68+ hrs into the game and haven’t had any other issues so far.
Thx in advance!