Absolutely incredible. They Deleted it, Presumably to hide their awful response. Real transparent and open to discussion, guys. I keep seeing staff talking about intents and "You just need to trust us" and then this is how you're aiming to gain that trust? If you're wondering why sentiment and response is growing hostile, stuff like this is why.
I came here with criticism of a change to a service I pay(ed, yearly memberships get a bit foggy like that I guess) for, and so far I've been insulted, had my position, opinion and preferences strawman'd and attacked (FUD and other "just suck it up and you'll like it" responses), and when others started to point out how I'd been insulted, it was deleted. Now I can't even trust that any of the stuff I'm reading here is actually representative of anything, who knows what other responses and valid points have been deleted and buried.