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Everything posted by ShacklesRustyford

  1. The new layout is so atrocious I'm leaving my first and only forum post to voice my displeasure. And I'll make it as clear and succinct as possible. Stop. Forcing PC users. To have to deal with. A UI. Designed for mobile. Stop. Trying to fix. What isn't broken. PC users. Do not want. To have to deal. With mobile focused UIs. Want a layout for mobile? Fine, make a mobile layout. But make it exclusive to mobile. Don't force it on us PC users who neither want it nor need any of the functionality changes wanted or needed for mobile use. Just give us an option to revert to the old layout. I'm certain that a good 90% of all criticism on the new layout would evaporate overnight if you just give users the option to go back to what worked instead of having to deal with what mobile users want.
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