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Everything posted by Tofke

  1. I'll just chime in and say I really dislike this new design. So much wasted space, less visibility of the things I'm interested in. The user: llihP described it perfectly in his previous post. Rant: I really don't get what is wrong with UI/UX designers these days. It's all about inefficient space use, making processes more cumbersome and losing clarity. /rant This new design needs a lot of work to get it to a state where its enjoyable to use. I'd say: start removing all the dead space, it really does nothing good for the site. And a suggestion: can we please have an option to hide 'Media' (and even News I'd argue) on the front page. I never understood why it needs to be there. I want to see more mods, if I want screenshots or videos for them: I go to the mod. Mods are the main product.
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