*stares at the new site layout*
Thanks I absolutely hate it. No I am serious and not just trying to be a jerk or troll here. I absolutely hate the new layout without a fraction of a doubt. Look folks, if I wanted this site to look like I was on mobile. I wouldn't be using a PC. You are a site for PC mods. Stop catering to mobile and stop disabling features like searching comments. Seriously it makes it very awkward when you just want to ask. A simple troubleshooting question for a mod. But also don't want to bog down the dev. With a thousand copies of the same question. So you do a quick search for your question. To see if it has already been asked and answered.
Now onto some real points other than just I hate it. The new design is NOT more intuative...at all. I have been using nexus for years now. This is the first time I log onto the site. And need to relearn how to do everything. Also don't give me that its a transitory thing bullshit. IF ITS NOT BROKEN DON'T FIX IT! I shouldn't have to relearn to use your site. You are a mod site. You list mods and allow them to be downloaded. Mods made by other people. Who want their mods easy to find and download.
However a positive point I can raise. Is I rather like the new color scheme. The colors are easy on the eyes and look nice. Good job on the design team for that part. You knocked it out of the part.