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Everything posted by leetfart

  1. Alright some good news is that I have finally got the diffuse map to work on my weapon, the only issue I have now is that the normal map doesn't appear to be working but hey, this is progress. This time I exported my model out into a NIF file for Nifskope (I used to export as OBJ and used Nifskope to save as NIF) and it finally reads my diffuse. Now I know the paths definitely work I'm going to assume that I need to do some DDS tweaks to make my normal map show. I use Photoshop and I use DXT1/5 when saving as DDS but I will look around about my normal map. Thanks for all the help so far, nice community here.
  2. Alright I have changed the DDS file compression to a few different types that are recommended and no textures are displaying in Nifskope or in-game. I'm pretty lost on this now...
  3. Originally that was the texture path until I did the full path as I thought that was the problem. I have re-done my NIF files and the problem still occurs. I have both a WEAP and STAT form in the creation kit as well. The weapon is droppable in game, works as a weapon and everything in-game besides from displaying the assigned textures. I don't think the .DDS files could be much of a problem as they work within 3D software as intended so I'm guessing there is a Nifskope fault. If I find anything out I'll update this thread but so far I've had no luck. EDIT: And I have checked that I am running the latest version of Nifskope
  4. I hope this screenshot can help, just incase you can't make out the words on Nifskope here are the paths; D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\Meshes\weapons\gs D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\textures\weapons\gs
  5. Just checked again and BSShaderTextureSet is pointing directly at the required textures. I use a .dds, _n.dds and an _m.dds but no _e.dds, the video I watched for the tutorial didn't use the _e.dds file so I don't think that could be the cause, also the textures were saved exactly how I saw it also. I've done everything besides from adding an _e.dds file, I will attempt to add one and see if that can do anything but I may try and create some basic static meshes to texture and see if I can import them correctly before moving back onto weapons. Thank you for the help! :)
  6. Yeah I've pretty much done all of that. I have used the weapon in-game just to test it to see if it functions without glitching out, it just doesn't display textures. I've checked multiple times over and everything is correct, here are some pictures of the model with textures in Maya and how it turns out in Skyrim.
  7. I have recently just come back to attempt Skyrim modding and to start off I've decided to model some weapons from games and seeing if I can put them into Skyrim. I followed a decent guide on how to do the process and no matter what I do I cannot get any of my texture maps to show in-game. I double checked Nifskope to see if the textures were pathed correctly and I have tested out the .dds files from the same location back in Maya and re-opening them in Photoshop and all the textures are fine and Nifskope is looking in the correct place so I can't figure out what the problem is at all. I've tried a few methods online and checking vertex colours, checking normals etc. but no luck. If anyone knows how to get around this problem I'd appreciate the help. :smile:
  8. Wow really nice mod here, I'm pretty excited to see this completed! :thumbsup:
  9. Thank you for making me aware of the issue, unfortunately this hasn't fixed my dialouge issue but the thread stated it doesn't solve everyones issue with dialouge so at least I know it isn't just me doing something wrong. :)
  10. I really fail to see how to solve this issue because I must have watched at least three different guides and read the "making the quest" tutorial on the Creation Kit Wiki but the issue I am having is having my NPC displaying the dialouge I assigned him in the quest. Since this is a new NPC it can't have any other dialouge except from their standard "Hmm." and "Need something?" lines. I even increased the priority of the quest from 60 to 100 to try and force this NPC to talk to me but he won't. I will show you what I have, if you need any other screenshots that may help solve the problem then please ask and I will show you. The actor that the dialouge is linked to was placed in an inn and whenever I talk to him I just get the default lines above, I cannot even engage a proper conversation with him to give me any options. Voice has even been added so the dialouge can't just last for a mere second, either way two topic choices should show. This is really irritating considering I have made a nooby quest before a while back and did the exact same thing as I have done now and it actually worked, unlike this. This is also the second time I have rewritten this quest and the same issue still continues. :( Any help would be great.
  11. Oh actually ignore this, I fixed it by right-clicking Skyrim on the Steam games libary and clicked on "verify integrity of game cache...". It has started downloading a few more MB and its adding it to Dawnguard. I suppose this thread can be locked or something.
  12. After finally taking a while to download it I noticed that some random NCP doesn't have any voice and all the people with crossbows armour is missing (replaced with the red "!"). I've only gone as far as walking to the castle to notice this. I tried to reload with no mods and same issue and my Skyrim is up to date, I don't know if anyone has had this issue but I'm just going to assume I'm probaly missing a couple of files during the download as my internet likes to cut out often. Before I go ahead and delete Dawnguard and re-download off Steam, does anyone else know if there is something different that can be causing this?
  13. Thanks for all the help there!! :) The key thing isn't much of a big thing I wanted to add compared to the triggers, thanks again!
  14. My knowledge of scripting with the Creation Kit is poor and I was wondering if there was a way to make the player and monsters start dying while inside a trigger box. It will probaly be easier to explain what I am trying to achieve exactly. For a mod I am currently creating I want there to be specific areas where the player takes health damage until out of that zone. For example if there was two rooms and a corridor linking those rooms together, while travelling down that corridor you start slowly losing health until you are out of that corridor. How I picture it is that you would add a trigger box and fit it to that corridor, once that player has entered the trigger box area the effects of health going down start to take place until you get out of it. I would also like to know how to disable the trigger box when an activator has been used such as a lever. While I am on the topic of levers I would also like to know how to use levers to enable objects that were initially disabled and how to unlock doors without the key. The enabling part I dont know at all but when I link the lever to a door that requires a key I would have thought the lever would remove the "requires key" just to a normal "open". Sorry if it seems a bit much to ask and if it is all confusing but really I have no clue where to start here and I would like the know how to make these things above happen to make my desired mod work, thanks!
  15. Hey there, I am currently working on a mod which is a bit similar to what you have requested. The theme is rather similar to what I have had in mind, my idea of the mod is a little close to the re-creation of a mod I made for Oblviion: http://www.oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/38068 Thing is I don't know when my idea will be complete and ready for release to the public as at the moment I have a few things going on and don't have much time to work on this particular mod. I might actually feel like creating a home similar to what you have requested for you though no promises... I do kind of drop out of these projects often due to real life things. :( I have no estimated time for the completion of this mod either, well not an accurate one as I'm guessing around the 2 week mark. Sorry. :/
  16. Currently I have made a simple quest to help me get started with scripting and making quests as thats always been my weakest part of making mods and one thing I can't seem to find around the internet is how to add quest markers. The quest involves just killing a bandit leader and returning to the person who gave me the quest but when I play through this quest it doesnt show on the map or compass the location of the bandit and I would like there to be a marker on the bandit's location. I tried looking at other quests in the CK and found some parts of scripts that seemed relevent to what I was looking for but it never worked, if anyone can point me in the right direction I will be happy. :)
  17. Well the merchant is working and follower is pretty much done, cheers people :D
  18. Thanks for the other link been a great help :) The small problem about the voices is that if i use lydias voice (just tried it now) the khajiit doesn't sound like a khajiit, It isn't essential for me to have a female khajiit follower really though I just wanted something a bit different.
  19. Ok I have the follower working i just increased the disposition to 80 but I had to change it to a male voice which is kinda weird but oh well :S The merchant still doesn't work though and ive changed his disposition to 80 as well.
  20. I'll look into this link you've provided thanks, I switched the faction ranks around and no difference sadly.
  21. Alrighty here it goes :P Traits: Female kajiit (ignore my spelling) essential and unique ticked Height 0.93 Voice is female kajiit Stats: Pc level mult ticked (ranges from 1-80) Auto-calc stats ticked Faction: current follower faction set at rank 0 potential follower faction is set at -1 Relationships: Ally with the player AI data: agressive and helps friends and allies Invent: Daedric outfit with a daedric sword ------ That is all I have done to my actor but will only say things like hmph etc. when trying to talk to her I have tried using other races and different genders too but same result
  22. It's not ticked :( only things I have ticked there is "essential" and "unique" Thanks for trying to help though :)
  23. Straight to the point, i've been trying to create a follower and a vendor for a mod I am currently making but they don't give me any speech dialouge about follower options or vendor options. I have even double checked guides on youtube to see if others went through the same process as me and it was the same yet mine doesn't seem to work.. whenever I talk to a merchant or follower I create they just give me simple greetings etc. I know the follower "sort of" works because if i get into a fight nearby the follower I made he/she will jump in and join the fight but afterwards my follower just goes off and does their own thing. Anyone experienced the same issue and maybe you can help? Thanks :)
  24. Their count averages between 35-60 but the thing about them being large might be my problem, I will test a small version then try using objects with higher count. If you want to know the ice blocks used are mostly the glacier cliffs and iceburgs you see out in the ocean from dawnstar, they seem to be large anyway. Thanks for the help though, i'll see how this goes :) EDIT: I made the ice smaller but it didn't change anything but I chose a small high count object (a snow rock) and they showed up, I think ill just have to work with smaller objects, thanks :D
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