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  1. Wow, i was just thinking about it :D Seriously,want it !!! Totaly endorse the idea :D
  2. Hello there :D If you read the mod description completely you can see: "Submarine House a new house added to the Wasteland. Please leave a comment expressing your opinions. NOTE: Submarine without Point Lookout has been released for anyone without the DLC, this file also does not require the Bug Fix download. Normal Versions do require Point Lookout." So apparently the author made a version for those who dont have Point Lookout Anyways, would be really great to have a submarine :D
  3. Hello partners I was thinking about a simple thing for experimented modders What about a submarine hideout ? Simple, lets say to keep it lore friendly, the submarine was hauled on a truck , already assembled to get tested near the hoover dam, but the bombs fell during the it was on its way, so its stay coherent And for the idea, could anyones convert this one ? http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11778 It could be good idea, somehow
  4. so much want, someone need to port it NOW !!!!
  5. It can be coherently lore friendly if you create a back story. A convoy carrying a brand new submarine after assembly, trapped in the area when the bombs felt. But its a simple exemple.
  6. Yup, a submarine, in the desert..... it lost its way to the ocean :tongue: :tongue:
  7. Hello fellas Well i have a fairlt simple request. I want a submarine !!!!!!!!!!! something like this one in the link im providing http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11778 I really want to that one but for the love of me, i cant even use the geck to do so :confused: So i would glady give a jar full of cookies to anyones willing to build me that submarine house :nuke:
  8. Hello strangers. I found recently a mod from F3 but i cant use it of course in FNV, my main problem is.... I dont bloody know how to convert FO3 mods to FNV, been reading tutorials but it seem i dont have the right move. Anyways, the mod i want is not for distibution as i dont have the proper credits and such. Im not planning to distribute the mod if someone is gentle enough to convert this mod for me (i tried everyways possibles, no luck) so if someone is willing to give me a hand for this i would be more than happy , im just planning to use the armor converted in my game. If someone is up for this simple task,PM me Happy trails :D
  9. Greetings Rocketeers You're stuck somewhere in a vault, with a broken armor, a shattered weapon, you traveled light, so you didnt picked all your gear , and now you cant defend yourself. so, what about a Mr Handy companion with repair-item ability ? It could fit perfectly in the storyline Exemple : you could find it broken or desactived near Repconn headquarters ,with a simple lil quest like fixing it (science 35 or more) then get the option to make it follow you , wait, stay at your home point , you the kind of script, nothing fancy or complex It could have simple options too, like sneak ,follow,wait,go back to home point,fix items and attack (by attack, i see more a small damages attack, to make it coherent wit the idea of a "utilitary robot") Well, thank you for the time anyone took for reading PS:for the design i suggest the pre existing model Mr handy you can easily find near Repconn headquarter
  10. my eyes, my eyes, please can you edit your post, its not even possible to read without a headache if you keep posting that way i doubt anyones would read you,spare us the headache please
  11. Bumping my thread again Anyone willing to help me ? i saw a lot of HGEC armor converted into UF, i just dont know how to do :/ Stop bumping. It's annoying and won't get your request done any quicker. If no one will pick it up, then perhaps you should learn to do it yourself. AS
  12. errrr, anyones able to do that kind of conversion ? :/
  13. Well i just wanted to request (if someone have the abilities to do so) a conversion of the Hgec Homura outfit into UFF outfit Im using UFF because it seem more pleasant (personal choice) So i would be really happy if someone is up for it (not really skilled in modding ) anyways, thank you to anyones reading or paying attention to my request :) here is the outfit in HGEC http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/thumbs/22474-1-1250665304.jpg and the link for the infos =) http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22474
  14. well hello, im kinda new here and i wanted to know if its possible to have the Homura armor (that one http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22474) converted to UFF characters body (looked everywhere but didn found any) im sorry if the question been asked already, i wish i could do it myself :/ In advance thank you for the time you took for my question have a nice day
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