Greetings Rocketeers You're stuck somewhere in a vault, with a broken armor, a shattered weapon, you traveled light, so you didnt picked all your gear , and now you cant defend yourself. so, what about a Mr Handy companion with repair-item ability ? It could fit perfectly in the storyline Exemple : you could find it broken or desactived near Repconn headquarters ,with a simple lil quest like fixing it (science 35 or more) then get the option to make it follow you , wait, stay at your home point , you the kind of script, nothing fancy or complex It could have simple options too, like sneak ,follow,wait,go back to home point,fix items and attack (by attack, i see more a small damages attack, to make it coherent wit the idea of a "utilitary robot") Well, thank you for the time anyone took for reading PS:for the design i suggest the pre existing model Mr handy you can easily find near Repconn headquarter