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Everything posted by Squallixer

  1. @EvilDeadAsh34 Just checked the recent page and the modder Lashk just uploaded a mod for blue lightning. It's not perfect but its a good start. If you are seriously considering making a colored lightning mod maybe you ask him how he did it.
  2. what you describe is been made and it is easily replicable with CE. i don't know if a proper "mod" can be done to constantli change the ffect of some spells or attacks tough Could you link me to that? I have never used Cheat Engine before but if what you say is true I'll give it a go. Is there a table for it or is it something more complicated?
  3. Another request, if I may. Is it possible to make a mod that recolors spell effects? I have been looking at Silversmith's mods for the retextured Black Dragon Armor and the Royal Dragonslayer Spear, and I want to know if you can recolor the lightning spells, as well the lightning projectile attack of the Dragonslayer Spear. It would be awesome to roll around in the all blue version of those mods and also be throwing blue lightning spears. I heard that there is a way to make "custom" spells and stuff, so I would assume it is fairly simple to just swap the color pallet of the spell effects. I also am pretty sure that a white colored lightning effect is already in the game, since both the Syan Knights and the Mirror Knight use lighting attacks that are white instead of yellow.
  4. Well what I mean is to take the texture of the clean version and put it on another, preferably better shield. I don't want it on the Hollow Soldiers shield because, well it's a garbage shield. I was thinking more like retexturing the Drangleic Shield or the Royal Kite Shield since they match the shape best. That said beggars can't be choosers, so its Ash's call if he even feels like doing it. I think it is worth it since the Royal Soldiers set is actually pretty popular, at least in the early game, and it be great to have the matching shield for fashions sake. Definitely one of my personal favorites.
  5. Is it possible to add new weapon move sets to the game? I would love to see several weapons have more unique move sets, especially the boss weapons. I think its kind of a shame that so many weapons have the exact same move set. In Dark Souls a lot of otherwise under powered weapons would still be used because they had good/unique moves. Even the returning weapons like Dragonslayer Spear and all of the Black Knight weapons had their move sets changed, so that they are now just like all the other weapons. Honestly, I wouldn't even care if it gets you banned, it would be worth it to spice up the gameplay variety.
  6. Hey! First time poster here with a request for a mod. I really like the Royal Soldier's set, but unfortunately the shield which matches that set, the shield the Royal Soldiers use in the Giant's Memories, isn't available in the game. The only version of that shield is the Hollow Soldiers Shield, which is kinda garbage. Is there anyway you could retexture another shield to look like the shield the Royal Soldiers use?http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Be+wary+of+sadness+i+was+going+to+make+a_880e9b_5218468.jpg
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