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Everything posted by ammit

  1. Im looking for a mod that adds blunted arrows, that with a hit to the hed makes a NPC uncontious, not paralasys but to ragdoll state. I have not found anything but a blackjack or similar that does this. For it not to be to OP the condition has to be that the NPC is not in combat.
  2. My interpretation is yes and no. The power of the voice is both dragonshouts and "regular" shouts, A Dovahkiin being able to use draconic powerwods instead of nordic.
  3. When you indoctrinate all your martialartssudents to use dragonshouts for kiai When you plan vacation to play Skyrim When you redecorate for your own releasparty
  4. As we are getting closer and closer to release im diving deeper and deeper in to the lore. And avter having spent hours on the elderscrolls wiki, reading abaout history, aedra and deadra i came across the Thu'um. http://elderscrolls....m/wiki/Thu%27um Supposedly Kyne instructetd the nords in the voice. my interpertation of the voice is that it is a form of energized kiai. And there we have a system of shouts, powerwords etc, But there is another lovel of the voice, that of the dragon language. The ones posessing a soul of a dragon can power their voice with the language. So in all sense, if you are the only dragonborn since the Septims, then all other shouters in skyrim shuld be useing Tu'um. But i don't think there are seperate systems for Tu'um and Dragonshuts in-game. (something for modding in the futre maybe) What do you think? Concerning some Leaked footage
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