Alright so here's the problem. I start up Skyrim, everything is working fine, I try to load, and then before the loading screen can pop up Skyrim just stops working. This happens both when I try to load a game, or if I'm trying to start a new one. I'm pretty sure that this has to do with the mods I'm using, or perhaps the Mod Manager, but they aren't anything to extreme. I have the Mod Manager installed, and these through the Steam Workshop -Uncle Sheogorath's Really Helpful Tips -The Asteria -XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement -Dovahbling Dragonsoul Weapons -Dovahkin Hideout Compact Edition -Vortai Home in the Sky 1.1 -Enchanting Freedom -Dragon Bone Weapons Complete -Beautiful Whiterun -Quest: Sea of Ghosts -Earth for Masser -WIP - Flags of Victory -Quest: The Realms of Daedra -Moonpath to Elsweyr -Open Cities Skyrim -Legible Road Signs Hi-Res I've tried undownloading and re-downloading Skyrim a few times, and then putting in a couple of mods that seem harmless enough and then it will just stop, which is odd seeing as how I'm using Medium Graphics and am on a gaming computer. If anyone thinks they could help me, that would be great, because I'm at my wits end here, and this is driving me nuts.