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Everything posted by ClockworkEnd

  1. Alright so here's the problem. I start up Skyrim, everything is working fine, I try to load, and then before the loading screen can pop up Skyrim just stops working. This happens both when I try to load a game, or if I'm trying to start a new one. I'm pretty sure that this has to do with the mods I'm using, or perhaps the Mod Manager, but they aren't anything to extreme. I have the Mod Manager installed, and these through the Steam Workshop -Uncle Sheogorath's Really Helpful Tips -The Asteria -XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement -Dovahbling Dragonsoul Weapons -Dovahkin Hideout Compact Edition -Vortai Home in the Sky 1.1 -Enchanting Freedom -Dragon Bone Weapons Complete -Beautiful Whiterun -Quest: Sea of Ghosts -Earth for Masser -WIP - Flags of Victory -Quest: The Realms of Daedra -Moonpath to Elsweyr -Open Cities Skyrim -Legible Road Signs Hi-Res I've tried undownloading and re-downloading Skyrim a few times, and then putting in a couple of mods that seem harmless enough and then it will just stop, which is odd seeing as how I'm using Medium Graphics and am on a gaming computer. If anyone thinks they could help me, that would be great, because I'm at my wits end here, and this is driving me nuts.
  2. Alright so here's the problem. I start up Skyrim, everything is working fine, I try to load, and then before the loading screen can pop up Skyrim just stops working. This happens both when I try to load a game, or if I'm trying to start a new one. I'm pretty sure that this has to do with the mods I'm using, or perhaps the Mod Manager, but they aren't anything to extreme. I have the Mod Manager installed, and these through the Steam Workshop -Uncle Sheogorath's Really Helpful Tips -The Asteria -XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement -Dovahbling Dragonsoul Weapons -Dovahkin Hideout Compact Edition -Vortai Home in the Sky 1.1 -Enchanting Freedom -Dragon Bone Weapons Complete -Beautiful Whiterun -Quest: Sea of Ghosts -Earth for Masser -WIP - Flags of Victory -Quest: The Realms of Daedra -Moonpath to Elsweyr -Open Cities Skyrim -Legible Road Signs Hi-Res I've tried undownloading and re-downloading Skyrim a few times, and then putting in a couple of mods that seem harmless enough and then it will just stop, which is odd seeing as how I'm using Medium Graphics and am on a gaming computer. If anyone thinks they could help me, that would be great, because I'm at my wits end here, and this is driving me nuts.
  3. I put in everythign just as the ReadMe had in instructed but for some reason evern though the armor and weapon is there. there's nothing but gray blocks. (when I draw the sword it's invisible and when not drawn its a grey block) has anyone else had this problem or did I just put it in wrong?
  4. For stuff that needs to be unzipped will useing jZip be alright? I mean it is basically the same thing as WinRar and 7Zip
  5. Alright here's whats going on now. I'm redownloading Oblivion. I have the Game of the Year Edition which includes all the DLC. I'm downloading it from Steam. I dont have any of the Oblivion Mod's set up yet. What should I do first?
  6. I turned of UAC but it's still not working. Maybe Oblivion just hates me. I've done everything!
  7. I found them. I just can't edit the UAC settings by right clicking on the folder
  8. I'm useing Vista. But when I right click on the Steam or Oblivion or any folder in there I can;t change the UAC settings
  9. I looked up how to but it didn't tell me how to. And even when it's the only mod I'm running it wont work right for some reason
  10. I've done that and it still isn't working. I have the entire file downloaded. Everything should be running smoothly but it wont for some reason. Maybe it'll help you to know that I'm useing the Oblivion downloaded from Steam
  11. The Nude folder is whats holding (foot, hand, lower ext.) and I don't have the head thing just those 4
  12. I did everything right. I put in the plugin and I put in the body type. But I did somethign wrong and I'm not sure what. I can tell something isn't right because A) My character isn't skinny/athletic like the choice I made. B) I also have Slof's Devil character and his skin isn't right. Ontop of which I used the "Nude" file and when I take off my character's cloths he isn't nude. I placed the plugin, the meshes, the textures, AND the Nude folder into Data and I see the replacer in both the Data Files when I start up Oblivion and in the Mod Manager.
  13. What do you mean by the plugin? Also I have it set to Redirect it still doesn't show
  14. I already have OMOD installed and that doesn't work like it's supposed to either. Look I''m not a computer nerd, (even though I took a year of computer programming) I've downloaded both thigns trying to get this simple thing to work and can't. OMOD was put in correctly but it doesn't show up. I think if I could just install it manually into Data it owuld be alot easier to do.
  15. I can't seem to actually put it into OBMM I've been trying to install it manually into the Data of Oblivion
  16. I unzipped Roberts Male Body Replace V5 and placed all the necassary SLAth Nude Files into my Data on Oblivion (foot, hand, lowerbody, upperbody) but for some strange reason the replacments aren't showing up. The Readme isn't very detailed on what I'm supposed to do so could someone please help me?
  17. Alright so I was able to succesfully download the Oblivion Mod Manager and actually got something to work, now however II'm unsure of what to do with mods that com in a zip folder or a regular folder without immediatly going to OMM. What should I do? Do I copy and paste the files directly into the game file? And if so WHERE should I put them? An example of one of the Mod's I'm trying to put in is Demon Blooded and HGEC_Body_v1dot21-15802
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