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About Lazysheepherd

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    There's No Spoon!
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    Dreaming Huge.

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  1. Just wanted you guys to know that I am not dead or gone. Do checking all the updates and uploads of yours, but just have little time to do much foruming nowadays.
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    2. Lazysheepherd


      Oh! A checklist! I wanna see it!
    3. brokenergy


      - Complain about women's issue - check

      - Find funny videos - check

      - Spend time crying over what my life could have been - check

      - Look at the mirror and calling yourslelf fat - check

      - Spend hours looking at the BSN and hoping for more DA news - check

      - Making up a stupid checklist - check


      Here it is

    4. Lazysheepherd


      Oh, I thought that was a list of alive Nexus members. *sigh*

      Hmm... You know what actual magic is? A wrench to head. Seriously. If you find it hard to change stuff, or want stuff impossible, change your perception a bit one may say. This will help to do it in... Genius way! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_theory_of_relativity

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