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  1. Is it somehow wrong to love and listen this??
    1. Lazysheepherd


      I just use it sometimes while I work on stuff. This is sometimes work better than with providing a little more sharp 'intended noise' than coffitivity.com or equal stuff.
    2. Ithildin


      Nothing wrong if you love it. XD


      I personally couldn't focus properly with it playing; I've visited Coffivity (think AliasTheory told me about it), and had an easier time working on things with that as background noise. I imagine you're more capable of compartmentalizing, that you aren't as easily distracted as I am.

    3. Lazysheepherd


      Basically, I love everything that works =)

      I had been putting Vivaldi or some calm songs before (I also think it was AT) coffitivity. But then I found out that repeating things like 10 hour songs has different uses than calm noises.

      And no, I am also easily distracted. I would say it is not entirely true that more noisy melodies like 'taking the hobbits to Isengard' distract you more.

      My theory goes like this; You must use calm noises like coffitivity when you are also...

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