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  1. Moving from countryside to big city... Awkward times waiting for me, I'd guess.
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    2. VisseNekku5746
    3. Ithildin


      Awkward depends on the city, I think ... felt very awkward in Chicago and Salt Lake City, but not in Seattle, Wichita, Vancouver, or Victoria, to name a few.


      Hopefully your move will be a positive experience. *hugs*

    4. Lazysheepherd


      @broke Yay! We would find out that it's what actually we call "civilization" if we stop interpreting facts with definitions we learned, and start learning facts to define them properly.

      @Pag Wow. Would remember the advice. And your word for the drink! =)

      @5746 Thank you! =)

      @Ithildin Well, I thought in my case awkwardness would not sourced on the city itself but from difference with where you are coming there from.

      And thank you for your good wishe...

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