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  1. Now my computer has Pikachu syndrome. I cannot keep it in hibernating position when I wanted to. It keeps getting out and opening itself at randomly. '-.-
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    2. Ithildin


      I have a strong feeling it's Windows-related, that is, if your system uses Windows. The following is for Win 7: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-desktop/windows-7-wont-sleep-or-hibernate/208de011-3792-4e12-8368-6c67381186e2
    3. Ithildin


      Here's one for Windows 8.1 (with additional links, including one at the bottom titled "Hibernate Your PC", and mentions there are some computers put together without a hibernate option, such as certain laptops or tablets, or PCs with something called InstantGo that I'm not familiar with): http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-8/how-shut-down-turn-off-pc
    4. Lazysheepherd


      Heyy, thank you Jen! I just solved it today. Just done a little extended search and found that constant Ethernet connection could wake pc up. And I guess that was the case for me.

      So from Device Manager, I get to Network Adapter options and took away it's permission to wake the pc... when it's feel like. =)

      Currently, everything back to normal. Yesh, now I see same topic with yours.

      And dear 5746, seems that^ would be a 'why'. =)

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