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About Lazysheepherd

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  1. Damn! I just played & modded Oblivion first time after Skyrim. I realized I still love it so much!
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    2. Lazysheepherd


      It haven't crashed a lot for me. Maybe you just need to check Settings. And yes game world is very different from Oblivion and it would take some time to get used to it.
    3. ZwordCuitar


      Odblivion crashes all the time for me. 10 times already under 2 hours. Skyrim NEVER crashes =) And i am recording at the same time ^^


      ...Come to think of it, Oblivion has always crashed frequently for me even before i knew what mods are :/

    4. iceburg


      I played Oblivion the other day, after spending a month on Skyrim, and I couldn't stop smiling. When the newness of Skyrim wears off, I think I may play both games frequently. :D They both really are quality games!
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