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  1. Alright, it's been 7 months since I came back from army, and there seems to be still 1-2 months until my hair would be long enough to form a proper ponytail...
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    2. Lazysheepherd


      Well, I want to try and see how it will fit me, and no, it is not just an other experiment of mine; but it's that I have always liked long hair. (And I do not know why, it's just.) So it is about having a long hair and to trying and stick with it if I can. And ponytails come in where I do not approve any kind of artificial hair treatment methods or hair-care synthetics.
    3. Lazysheepherd


      And when considering my daily routine; a lot of physical work, which brings a lot of sun, wind, sweat, dust around my hair through each morning sequence, where the process graduates to the level 'very hard'. So ponytails are my best bet that I can think of to keep them neat and organized atm. And Ith, ah, let us see how it will turn out for me. Also thank you a lot for encouraging words of yours =D
    4. Lazysheepherd


      Aaand, besides, why not? =P I suppose it is okay with farmers and is surely very common among programmers =D
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