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  1. Is it somehow wrong to love and listen this??
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    2. Lazysheepherd


      .. when you are also relatively calm.

      But what's interesting is: if you trying to focus after a long, tiring and also perhaps troublesome day, it is good to use more noisy and repeating ones. And I suppose that's the reason why it works better;

      When you get used to that noise in the background, it effects you less. It should be something that can overwhelm other shouting voices coming inside of your mind, and from a noisy environment around you. You focus to that, and get us...

    3. Lazysheepherd


      ...and get used to that, where it will no longer distract you, and it blocks any lesser noises from around or within =)
    4. AliasTheory


      I actually agree with that. Playing some upbeat, faster-paced music can help me to concentrate when I get more on the tired side. Sometimes I just listen to techno remixes of the same things all night while crunching math.

      I also did mention Coffitivity. Rainymood works well too.

      There's also this: http://vip.aersia.net/vip.swf

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