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  1. I keep inventing literally 'brilliant' ideas. It is really most thrilling before I rush to my computer to Google it to see if something similar has found yet. This time it is 1960. Damn. Damn. Damn.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      "Evolutionary computation"

      Which seems first implemented in 1960 :D

      I really wonder if I will invent something un-invented one day, haha!

    3. Ithildin


      Impressive ... had to Google it myself, since I wasn't familiar with it. Wikipedia using the phrase "metaheuristic or stochastic optimization" was over my head, but otherwise the entry seemed to explain things well. I had to make a couple of "side trips" to find out what "metaheuristic" and "stochastic" meant. What sort of application were you thinking of when the concept occurred to you? Robotics, maybe, or something else?
    4. Lazysheepherd


      I am not familiar to any of those terms also. Like I said, didn't even knew that kind of branch existed. So I also had couple trips around articles. =)

      Well, evolutionary computation is a wide concept. I was not thinking about optimization. Rather more self generating entities. Closest title would be AI, I suppose. It's kinda complicated than it looks.

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