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About Lazysheepherd

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  1. Echoing Pagafyr: https://medium.com/@helena/the-purge-what-happens-when-you-unfollow-everyone-on-the-internet-7b05a27efae1?source=email-88facc5f8edd-1423058652610-daily_digest This great article illustrates a great principle. To get most out of that principle, I invite everyone to re-consider the principle in the article, but this time replace 'internet' with 'life' and 'networks' with 'norms'. Internet life is not only clutter we have ;-)
    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      So answer to "what for" is simply, "for everything matters".

      I didn't had an instructor nor I had any idea what I was dealing with. I refused to refer to common knowledge about the topic for some concerns. My motto was that "a thinking machine should be able to analyze itself. If it can't, it does not worth much at all" And I'm happy it proved it's worth in my case. But maybe because of the way I chosen to reach to it, it have already taken a while...

    3. Lazysheepherd


      ... while and painful experiences to get only so far.

      Inner noise is sourced from inconsistencies within. Integrity is the key to have a quiet inner world. And inner integrity is something pretty expensive to ask for! You need to sacrifice a lot to pay for it. It is not a common thing to acquire. Simply because, the price won't worth it if you do not have a great reason to ask for it.

    4. Lazysheepherd


      Should be noted however, those of course, are not words of a wise sage. They all can be false, since they all sourced from my thinking and experience. And I'm just 22 atm. I do not mean to disrespect any of yours age and experience with stating those. I just believed you asked sincerely, and trying to answer in kind.
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