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Everything posted by runforitkyle

  1. Personally I dislike converting and porting of mods from game to game. I would much rather have all new spells rather than the ones from oblivion as I have seen all of them, they are old now. BUT if that is too much work for an entirerly new list of spells to be made I would be happy for a port.
  2. Blackreach is like an underground morrowind.... Sort of. I liked the giant mushrooms.
  3. Hey guys I'm building a new computer but I am on an extreme budget, does anyone know of a store (online or retail) that has good prices and is reliable? Thanks in advance.
  4. Staggering frost spells, kite the bastards.
  5. Rip out the tide key or use an xbox controller.
  6. Only some of them have priests. I got a Krotis mask!
  7. They are word walls I believe. With dragons. And dragon priests.
  8. Do mudcrabs do an extra large amount of damage to anyone (50 health with when I have 150 armour?)
  9. The enchantment stacks onto the weapon damage but it will run out. No idea about creatures being weak to shock, experiment?
  10. The chickens saw. They see everything!
  11. The Thalmer aren't a race but rather an alliance of elves.
  12. The biggest single wall of text I have ever seen. Good job dude, you are very dedicated to your games. Makes an interesting read.
  13. Don't smell the map..... Smells bad.
  14. Level eight dunmer: 32 one hand, 30 destruction, 27 light armour. 120 health (+ 20 buff), 140 magika, 120 stamina (+35 buff)
  15. Right click on skyrim in your steam library, I think its there.
  16. You just click and drag on the inventory picture, not sure about zooming in though. Does the manuel say anything?
  17. Huh, I've been playing on the one below the highest one. It's almost too easy.
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