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Everything posted by soleguardian

  1. So I'm getting a weird issue that I've never had before despite 3 different computers running the game. Last night I had f4se up and running without any issues, but overnight somehow the f4se_loader.exe has vanished from my Fallout 4 folder. Now, when I try and reinstall it with the installer I get the error 'error opening file for writing', when I try and install it manually, every file but the .exe can be moved but for some reason it says I don't have permission to add the .exe file. My only hunch here is that Avast is doing something it shouldn't be because I did see a pop-up for a brief second when I tried to reinstall it, but I can't seem to trace the source of the issue and adding exceptions within Avast isn't working either. I'm pretty much at a loss here, and I can't seem to find anyone having a similar issue. Any suggestions?
  2. The plugin is [NS_HuntingGroundsOutfit.esp] I'll try disabling/removing it and see if it makes the game work. I found a few other plugins of conflict after several more scans. Vanguard Home required Dragonborn, and Marraige Options Redone requires a specific file of Apachii Sky Hair.
  3. I downloaded the compatibility patches for the mods stated by Boss. Tes5Edit is not working for me though. It tries to check a dawnguard.esm and I don't even have Dawnguard so it crashes.
  4. Okay, I'll go check those and get back to you on if it works or not. Thanks for being helpful so far.
  5. !!!Still unsolved!!! A few days ago I was playing the Maids of Skyrim mod and getting a lot of conversation lag. I went on the mods page, and I saw that it could be a result of other script intense mods. So, the first one that came to my mind that I really never used was the mod Interesting NPCs. I simply unchecked the mod in the skyrim launcher and thought that would be the end of it. Boy was I wrong. I started up skyrim and as soon as the Bethesda logo goes away, I crash. It's not the computer, its brand new and was running it fine. I'll post my load order and see if anyone can help me out, I'd really like to get back to playing the game. GameMode=Skyrim Skyrim.esmApachiiHair.esmRaceCompatibility.esmOblivionHairPackAIO.esmJSwords.esmUndergroundBathhouse.esmSummerWear.esmUpdate.esmOrientalRace.espLunariRace.espDovahkiin Mercenary Armor and Weapons CBBE.espFlameAtronachArmor.espFullBootForKKSA.espMacKom_LoreStylesHairSet.espPushup-Bikini.espRaven Set v1.4.espWATER.espGuild Duelist Armor.espBirdsofskyrim.espCloaks.espI5K Skull Hunt.espbuildablehouse.espBlackSacramentArmor.espDaedric Extra Armor.espRitual Armor of Boethiah.espSleekSteel_StandAlone.espStatues.espThe Asteria - Dwemer Airship.esphuntingprofit.esptheRoadstrokersRoyalElvenSet.espnightshade_armor_UNPB.espNeo's Slave Leia.espTGLNordArmor.espLong Elven Bow.espCrystalAxe.espThunderBirdArmor.espHuntressArmor.espField Alchemy.espDerrax_Male_Werewolf_HUMANpenis.espDerrax_Male_Werewolf_ANIMALpenis.espFemaleWerewolf.espUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.espDreamBurrowsSageOutfit.espFantasy Music Overhaul.espAngelic_Demonic.espWickedBlade.espTERA Weapons.espWet.espGDRangerArmor.espzz_GDRAHoods.espTemptressVixen.espShowRaceMenuAlternative.espMaormer.espBetterDarkBrotherhood.espReplacement Crowns.espSkyrim Cafe.espZazimelDrow.espeasysmith.espAgehaArmorCollection.espViceroyInquisitor.espCraftablePantysCBBEv3M.espRaceMenuPlugin.espSweet&Sexy Lingerie.espDemonHunterV2armor.espLadyLaceCloaks_EN.espTERAArmors_CBBE.espRaceMenu.espAlduin's son.espAlduinWing.espamk Border Lace Lingerie.espBikini-MTM.espTundra Defense.espBoundGear.espDryad Race.espBrows.espDark Dungeons for ENB.espHentaiSuccubusArmor.espIsabeau Ladyhawke.espOsare Maid Outfit.espRevampedExteriorFog.espRiverwood Reborn.espDynasty Armour Compilation.espHentai'sSerenityByNausicaaCBBE.espKKFur.espNS_HuntingGroundsOutfit.espReaper's Landscape - The Dead Forest.espSovngarde Steel Armor and Weapons.espSirenRace.espSummerWearSA.espAzarHair.espCloaks - No Imperial.espCloaks - Player Only.espImperial Real Estate - Vanguards Cabin.espskyrimdefenders.espMarriage Options Redone (females).espcrimson tide - blood.espthrowingweapons.espquest_seaofghosts.espdhuntress.esp
  6. I agree that having all this would be really cool. Especially the underwater fighting. Then I would actually be able to kill those pesky slaughterfish! Hopefully there's someone out there who can do this.
  7. I think I'm going to try and make it myself. Would be a great challenge, and that way I get exactly what I wanted in the mod. I've got it all planned out, but I need to learn how to make the armour and robes I drew. I'm gonna make it all just a general druid themed mod pack. Should be nice when it's finished
  8. I agree with your opinion, and I've also attempted to make due with what there is, but haven't been satisfied with any of the homes I've made so far. Oblivion had some really good mods for druids, such as "Nature's Bounty" if it rings a bell.
  9. So ever since I got skyrim, I've always wanted to make my character a druid, who lives alone in the woods making potions and practicing magic and archery in their spare time. Sadly though, there are nearly no mods for druids. I can't even seem to find a good nature themed bow mod. I was hoping though, to convince someone to make some mods with this theme. I would be incredibly happy if you did. Also, I'd really like it if someone who knows how to 3d model, could make some druid and tropical styled modder's resources so I can build a druid village on an island, and possibly release it as a mod (with your permission of course). So to sum it up, here is the mods I could use help finding, or would like to have made: Nature themed weapons/bows Nature themed objects for building in the creation kit. Tropical plants Some druid styled robes (Not a priority, as the green robes in vanilla are fine) Druid armour Anything made out of plants armour wise. I know the chances are only about one of these mods will actually become a reality, but I thank you for taking an interest. If you do think making a mod like this is possible, send me a messege on the forums, and we can talk about the mods in more detail.
  10. I don't know about you, but recently I've been wondering where all these dead pheasants have been coming from. You always see them strung up by archers and hunters, but not once have I seen a live one, roaming the lands of skyrim. So my idea is to correct that with living pheasants. They don't have to fly right away, but a simple, randomly spawning, pheasant could be good for the immersion of the game. if anyone would consider taking on this idea and making it a reality, please let me know. Thanks, SoleGuardian
  11. That's strange, because for me it's just flat land.
  12. I'm planning on starting a mod, but I would really like it to be based off an island. Is there anyway to make an ocean world space? In oblivion, the world spaces were ocean by default.
  13. okay, sweet, I just need to figure out why the game won't start now. I get to the screen with the options and the play button, click play, and nothing happens.
  14. Yesterday, I bought skyrim. 18 hours later, (in 2 hours) it will finally be done downloading. I was wondering if it was possible to mod it though, as i bought it through gamestop, and will be playing it through steam. I'm really hoping I will be though, because I have a ton of mod ideas I'd like to put to use.
  15. Recently I've been trying to do a bit of modding to get back in the swing of things and I was having a problem with some custom races I downloaded and wanted to use in the mod. The mod won't be released to the public, but I was still curious because changing the npc race back to what it should be on each cs load was getting a bit annoying. If anyone knows a way to fix this let me know. Also, on a side note I was wondering where you need to save images in order to use them in a custom book in game. Any help would be wonderful and thanks in advance.
  16. Easter eggs are always fun. As well as custom monsters. Create a good lore to go with the mod though, to make it seem more realistic. Doesn't need to be over the top but something well written would be nice to draw people in.
  17. I'm going to be creating a mod and I was wondering if anyone knew some skins that I could use for the custom races in the mod. If you have an idea, post some information and a link to it so I can check it out. I'm open to all types of skins, though i'd prefer if they weeren't covered in piercings.
  18. Is there any way to packages all your modders resources together so that you can turn them all on at once, and will people downloading mods using moddders resources need to download the resources themselves?
  19. So I've recently decided I'd like to come back to oblivion and I was wondering there were any mods that added weapons, armour and trophies made up of animal heads, heads, scales, shells, etc. If you know any let me know please!
  20. I'm creating a character that is going to be something like a monster slayer/hunter. I'm looking for mods that are either armour/weapons made of monster parts such as a shield made from a clanfaer head. Also, I'm l;ooking for mods that have to do with hunting and monster slaying to make roleplaying as my character more fun. My character is going to be a male. The type of beast/monster being hunted or slayed doesn't matter to me as I'm willing to try different things. P.S. So far I have a dreugh sword/armour, a clannfaer head shield, and that's it.
  21. It worked!!!! F12 now opens the console commands and everythings working again! Woooooo!!!! Thank you so much for your help and walking me through step by step. Your help is greatly appreciated!
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