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About Tiziano74

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  1. Hi all Is it possible to set, via script or otherwise, a camera viewpoint for a scene, as if a camera were viewing a scene from a certain point with a certain angle? Thanks in advance to anyone who answers!
  2. Hi everyone! I'm looking for a way to identify via script if a specific weapon (or object) is physically present in a room, to make it disappear with the enable() Can someone suggest a way? Thanks in advance as always to those who will answer!
  3. Hello everyone I'm creating a mod, which has not yet been uploaded on Nexusmods, and when I go to manually install the 7zip file of the mod on Vortex, I don't see 2 data, the Version (number) of the mod and the Category of the mod. Is there a way, via Creation Kit or SSEEdit or another tool, to add these 2 data to the mod so that they are recognized by Vortex when the mod is installed? Thanks in advance to those who will answer!
  4. Well, i'm doing some test with a scripted trigger What i have is a little portion of my worldspace where i placed a group of houses surrounded by a fortification, and i don't want that any horses can enter inside that space. I have placed a stable with an XMarkerheading just outside the town's fortification, and a trigger over the fortificate town with this script: Scriptname QLC_Cavallo_in_Stalla_01 extends ObjectReference Keyword Property ActorTypeHorse Auto ObjectReference Property XMarkerStalla Auto String Property MessaggioStalla Auto Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) If akActionRef.HasKeyword(ActorTypeHorse) bool playerOnMount = Game.GetPlayer().IsOnMount() If playerOnMount == 1 Utility.Wait(0.1) Game.GetPlayer().Dismount() Utility.Wait(1) EndIf debug.notification(MessaggioStalla) Actor Cavallo = akActionRef as Actor Cavallo.MoveTo(XMarkerStalla) EndIf EndEvent
  5. Hello everyone. I'm building a new worldspace, and I would like to make some areas in which horses cannot enter... Does anyone know a simple way to do this, I don't know, through a scripted Trigger, or through Navmesh . . . or other ways? Thanks in advance to those who will answer
  6. Hello everyone Is there a way to create new Icons for MapMarkers to insert into the game? I would also like to do the same for some weapons... Thanks in advance to those who will answer
  7. Nothing, I set it to NONE with value 0, to be safe I also checked the rest of the clothing and it's all on NONE with value 0, but the sound of footsteps when he walks continues to be heard . . .
  8. Hi The Footstep is DefaulFootStepSet and the Detection Sound Value is 0 (zero) ... but with no result, the sound of footsteps continues to be heard
  9. Hello everyone I created an NPC, a Nord ghost, but I don't want his footsteps to be heard when he walks in any way . . . I tried to enchant the boots he wears with TGArmorMuffle, but I got no results... I tried to add different Perks to the NPC, SilentRoll, Silence, LightFoot, MuffleMovement, Stealth80, but nothing, you can still hear the sound of his footsteps when he walks... I checked his Sneak value, because a Condition in the Stealth80 perk requires Sneak at least 80, and the NPC's is at 100... Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance to whoever answers
  10. Hello everyone I ask, because I am partially ignorant about the management of animations in mods... I know how to use the animations of the base game, using scripts, but what I would like to delve into is the use of new animations (not from the base game), how to insert them into a new mod and, if it is possible, if there is a way to have them installed together with the created mod (the mod with the new animations inside), without having to use FNIS or Nemesis or something else later, to make the new animations works in game. I hope I explained myself and I thank anyone who will answer
  11. Well, I managed to solve the two main problems I had with this damn bard! I'll write down what I did, in case someone else has these problems. As for the fact that he was singing with his back to me, I replaced the XMarkerHeading (BardPlaySpot) with an EmptyIdleMarker (always BardPlaySpot), and now the bard performs with the correct direction of the marker! As for the fact that he didn't want to sing or play in the main hall of the fortress, I inserted a script inside the Actor Bard, very similar to the one that the bards of the three houses of Hearthfire have, and now finally when I enter the fortress he starts singing or playing everywhere!
  12. Hello everyone I know the procedure to create a bard well, I have already created several, I have even made them perform outside without any problems, but I have a bard that is driving me crazy beyond measure!! The bard is inside a fortress, with several rooms that however all belong to the same location... In all the rooms of the fortress he performs on his xmarkerheading bardspot, in all except the room where I want to put him, that is in the main hall of the fortress... damn bard! In all the other rooms, as I wrote above, he performs, but looking at the wall, always the wall, with his back to all the npc including the player... even moving the xmarker around the room... damn bard!! It really seems that this bard categorically refuses to do what he has to, he is an anarchist bard! Never happened to anything like this . . . Has it ever happened to any of you and have you solved it somehow? Thanks in advance to whoever answers
  13. Hi All I'm in searching for a way to give to a static object a visual effect like it was a magic object. Is there a way on the Cration Kit to apply for example an effect like a magic fire spell on a rock placed like a static object? <- this is only an example Thanks in advance to anyone that will answer!
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