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About lllJACKlll

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  1. Hello, I have recently been diving back into Morrowind, and wanted to enjoy the Unarmored class. However, after seeing a few videos, I've heard of a common glitch that the unarmored armor rating doesn't actually apply unless you're wearing at least one piece of actual armor. I was just wondering if this was true? I am playing on the most up to date version of Morrowind via Steam, but if anyone can confirm/deny this then it would be much appreciated. I will note, that my armor rating DOES appear to be working, but the videos and things I've read have said that it still wont apply correctly. If this is the case, can anyone direct me to a low maintenance mod that might fix it? Thanks.
  2. Ohh this was the answer I was looking for. OBSE looks great for increased graphics but I didn't want all the other changes, it completely alters faces and other things which I wouldn't like. I will change the mode to Override, and I think I may just try your advice and give the pre-rendered frames to 1 a try. I'm all for better experience with less lag time. I wish I could thank you enough, gonna try this soon as I get home from work!!
  3. Oh really?! Then I can just enable 8x AA and HDR through the standard menu?
  4. Hey guys I know the differences have been covered in other sticky's throughout the forum... Just wondering how to do the anti aliasing with HDR on. I found out the best way to do this is from a nvidia profile inspector, which I downloaded. I turned on all the anti-aliasing and once I load up the game from a save it black screens and crashes.. I attached a screenshot of my Nvidia profile and if someone could tell me which ones I'm supposed to turn on (and leave off!) it would be a huge help. Thank you in advance.
  5. At the risk of messing it up any further.. I need to ask, how does one do that? And will it compromise any of the files on the CD? I have been considering just buying it off steam but I figured that would have more problems than my physical copy. Or am I wrong
  6. Hey I am trying to install my physical copy of oblivion onto my brand new computer. I pop it in the disk tray and it just starts freezing up..... Finally after a few minutes I can load up the folders and try clicking things but nothing works. My computer runs everything else extremely fast, skyrim, overwatch, etc. so I know its not a computer problem. Is it compatibility or is this a common problem and I just need to wait it out? If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
  7. Oblivion will always be my favorite elder scrolls game by far, the environment, quests, oblivion gates, I could go on and on, but I always find myself coming back to the game and enjoying myself. However after years of exploring and re-playing quests (which are still fun!) I do try to challenge myself a bit. For example... When I first escape the sewers, I treat myself as a convict, and any guard or towns-person I'd find before I can get a change of clothes, sleep, etc. I must kill or run away from. I know this seems silly, but I imagine I would have been covered in blood, still had some minor chains on me, and it makes early exploration a lot more intense. I also don't allow myself to rest in public to regain health, and must eat food at least once every day. I also play that any time my character dies, that would be the death of him in reality and thus must make a new character. I know this is a bit extreme but it makes you a lot more prepared and make sure you have proper potions when you head out, and you wont just charge headfirst into any encounter without caring about your well being which adds an aspect of realism I enjoy. Then again I've always liked a challenge and I found this to be the best ways for myself to prolong my enjoyment of the game. I won't bore you with other roleplaying things I do but I was just curious if anyone else had ideas or ways they implement challenges for themselves? I'd love to add a few for myself if I like them. :)
  8. Did my obnoxious topic title get your attention? Good, good.... Now this is a serious post, and if its already been beaten over the head to death I apologize and this post can be deleted, but I've been gone a while. I am posting this not to say Skyrim is a bad game in any way, it obviously has its merits and is an RPG of massive scale. I am only saying this in regards to the hype and comparison to Oblivion, I think it fell way, way, short and I was back to play oblivion even a few months after Skyrim came out. My roommates and I (back when I was in college) waited in anticipation of 11.11.11 for over a year, and after two days we kind of looked at each like "wtf" was this?! I don't wanna drag this on for too long, so I'll bullet point my reasons for why I (and others) came to this conclusion and maybe I can hear some other sides to this. * Skyrim's landscape was very depressing and similar, especially when compared to Oblivion's grassy, green expanse and variety of environments. * The whole "radiant AI" felt like a dud to me. And not being able to talk to 50% of the NPC's (other than a "hello" was a real bummer, and felt half-assed. Cities actually felt LESS alive in skyrim than oblivion, at least let me talk about rumours or something! * The guild/faction quest lines were very short and didn't seem to be fully fleshed out as they could have been, or as epic as most of oblivions main factions (stormcloaks and imperial excluded, they was pretty cool) * Dragon fights.... a huge reason I was hyped for this, were extreme letdowns. Either buggy (stuck on trees, or just boring. If you play a melee character you better be stocked with arrowsor magic and hope to bring them down. And if you play a nord frost dragons are of 0 consequence to you... it just kind of sucked imo) * Removing the spell-making altars? Yes there are mods for everything, but I don't know why that couldn't stay in, it was one of the coolest things in oblivion *** This is not a legitimate, or at least tangible reason but I feel obligated to put it on. From the very get-go, Skyrim just didn't have the 'magic' of an elder scrolls game.... and I think part of the reason may be my age. I was 15 when I first played oblivion and it felt huge, massive, and like a new journey. Maybe with age and experience skyrim felt repeated and boring, and that's no fault of its own. But my friends felt the same way, and for one of them this was their first elder scrolls game so I don't know, maybe it is legitimate. There are a few more reasons but I'm curious what everyone's input was on this. I hope this doesn't piss anyone off too much, like I said its not a bad game but it just doesn't hold a candle to oblivion for me.
  9. back and ready for action! ;)
  10. Hey Ho, what you doing? Stay safe and let me know you're ok Naomi xx
  11. Happy New Year, hope you are well my friend.... Live well, love daily and treat others with respect, stay safe, take care love ya Naomi xxxxx
  12. hello honey "BOO"

    Love ya, be safe, play well and we'll speak soon xxxxx

  13. *sigh* ive been there before haha, i had a tough decision sort of like that as well. my laptop meets the min. specs easily but doesn't quite reach recommended... so i think its on its last legs sadly :( but personally i just dont feel right getting the game for 360 strange as it sounds. either way its going to be an epic game im sure u wont be dissapointed :)
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