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Everything posted by CAP1500

  1. Thank you for answering, but I wasn't talking about a certain slave trader, I was talking about a certain raider related to Red Bear. I believe either the mayor or innkeeper mentions her by name. (Quoting still didn't work for me, replying to the post before this.)
  2. First of all, this is a really great mod and I'm glad to have it, so thanks for making it. Something that's bothering me though is whether I have seen everything in it. Are there any places of note that you aren't brought to through a quest? The only ones I've managed to find were a ranch a short distance from town that needed a key and some kind of headquarters in the military base that had a named robot but nothing else I could see. (I even climbed up to the radio tower, spending more time then I should have to do so, only to find nothing. Also found some other unmarked but empty buildings.) I do remember hearing mention of a certain someone who was brought up but never met during the main quest line of NVB2, so I've been looking around to see if I can't find her. (Is that too vague? I don't know how to make a spoiler tag.)
  3. What I think about is, if an innocent person gets hurt that otherwise wouldn't have because we decided to bring "justice" to a person that was no longer a threat to anyone, is that really right? Why, ultimately, do we punish the wicked? (That second question was actually rather hard for me to find the right words for, and I'm still not sure that I'm 100% satisfied with it.)
  4. Honestly, I'm more relieved than anything else as, given what I've heard about the mod so far, I couldn't help but imagine a romance ending HORRIBLY. On another note, I see people talking about how much they want to kill Marko, but we are never directly affected by anything he has done, correct? And, I believe the letter from his brother said that he was retired. What I'm getting at is, we're not saving anyone, we're going off to kick a hornet's nest (Full of vengeful, hunt down everyone you care about out of spite hornets), terrible things might happen and we would be just as responsible as anyone else, so unless something happens to create a... selfless and tangible reason to hunt down Marko, I don't think going on this quest really makes one a good person. Of course, if nothing else, I'm going out of morbid curiosity, and if I end up regreting this, that's probably how it should be. Sorry if this seems rambling, I'm just excited, and I really never understood why some people wanted to kill Marko so badly (REALLY badly based on some comments I've read). Messiah complex combined with the belief that he's still actively and maliciously hurting people? I don't know, maybe he is. I (And perhaps others?) can't help but see him as some sort of ending point, though when I think about about it realisticly that isn't really true, I'm just off for fame, loot, and a good story. Who doesn't want to be the one to kill the most dangerous man alive, right! What could go wrong? (This started out as a response to the answer of my original question, but since I don't see that post I must have done it wrong)
  5. First of all, I am a great fan of your previous works and I am really looking forward to this mod. Now, I hope this doesn't seem a strange question but one thing I noticed is that you said you cut "one" romance quest, but I only remember hearing about one to begin with, so is it safe to say that there isn't going to be a romance in the mod? (Not that I have any complaints, this question is mostly to clarify if I correctly remember something I read months ago.)
  6. I very rarely post on forums, so please excuse any strangness. Because Nylon said he was only looking for what archtypes people liked, I voted on the assumption that he was considering creating a new character for the purpose of a romance story line.(An assumption I know very well may be completely wrong.) So I chose solely based on personality. I voted: Female: Tanaka, Kurosawa, Nam (I'm a bit iffy on Nam, I feel like I could like her a lot but I'd like to know more first.) Male: Trevelyan, Eligor (You shouldn't put too much faith in my male choices, I just picked who I might be buds with.) Although I would very much like to see a romance within the TSC universe, I believe it should have little or perhaps nothing at all to do with the main story line. What I think would be cool is if the romance tied into a new, but much smaller, story line. (Maybe the size of one story chapter, but more spaced out.) One way I feel this could be implemented very naturally is if the prospective partner has close ties to another organization or government, and is perhaps introduced as a diplomat. If nothing else is planned for the New Soviet Union, for example, this might be a good way to reinclude it. Also, by tying them to another organization, you have more freedom to present situations in the story than if they were just part of the TSC. Perhaps I am giving more suggestions than I should, I have more I could say but I tend to not know when to stop talking (Or typing, in this case), so I'll cut myself off there. I can only hope I helped in some way, if not, I hope I didn't bother anyone.
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