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Status Updates posted by InternetTherapist

  1. Hoshi, I'd like to say that I'm sorry that I asked you to explain what "imploding into is." meant in that one thread, I know I crossed the line, I was just so angry that day, I had to take it out on someone, so I guess I kind of took it out on you not meaning to.

    I'm sorry, man.

  2. "It seems that people have come up with a new way to debate religion by claiming to NOT debate it. And instead debating the debate itself."

    I was not aware the rules enacted on this forum are a part of a religion.

  3. New word from bben46 in the "Religious Debates Are Banned" thread, seems any talk of evolution is banned, and by extension I would assume things which directly connect to evolution and the scientific explanation of the world such as the big bang and other such topics.
  4. -of posts made by other people to the topic at hand.

    My counter-arguments are valid and constructive to a point, however I may sometimes put a joke in them, I do not believe that degrades the valid points I make, nor constitutes any rule breaking.

    If I see a post which is obviously off-topic or a troll/flame/bait, I will not reply to it.

  5. If somebody replies to my posts and says I am wrong; I will reply to them.

    I will not take responsibility for the posts of others or allow counter-arguments to my posts to go un-refuted.

    I will not be a punching bag who cannot fight back.

    If somebody makes a reply which makes no sense to me, I will ask them to explain it, I take no responsibility for the relativeness...

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