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Everything posted by InternetTherapist

  1. dudutz18, I ask that you consider the opinions of individuals who own both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 above those who only own one. I own both. In my opinion it comes down to if your brother likes online play or not, the Xbox 360s online features and overall community is much better than that of the Playstation 3. Xbox Live does cost $5 a month however I believe it is more than worth it. if he's not much into online gaming then he might like the PS3 more as it has more good offline games than the 360. You should also consider which console(s) he has owned, if he had owned an Xbox then I'm sure he'd be thrilled to receive an Xbox 360, and vice versa with the PS2. You can believe me because I am a certified internet therapist.
  2. I'm not sure what you all think capitalism is, it's free people giving other people their own work or ideas for something in exchange, it's freedom, it's not really some type of system, it is the lack of bondage, I do not think it's some type of political view.
  3. http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/8909/trippyobama.gif Your recent posts make you out to seem high or drunk.
  4. It is all life force. After that words kinda tend to fail hard to explain. So people came with mantra. Although for that again one has to ventrue very deep to understand the mechanics behind it. You dont just make up a word and play robot. That would be an inadvisable life style and bring you nowhere. It has to be given a subtle current and unless one has not been that level you are unable to grasp nor begin to understand. So you go somewhere who already got a pathway laid out that can carry you via the current and awaken that understanding. It comes in many diffrent styles. Not all people are the same. Other beings may visit but is unlikely anyone there is gonna chase them lol. Much work to be done and life is short. "Life Force" or "Life Energy" or any type of sentient material is a logical fallacy, an advanced system is the sum of its smallest parts, a video game is made up of simple instructions to hardware, only from afar can we see any use or purpose to it. If we had some type of life force then there is no real reason to suspect we do, I'm not getting into a God debate with anybody, I'm only saying that people can be born with down syndrome, people can have mental illnesses, people can become vegetables and our very sense of reality can be twisted by drugs or any type of food we eat, at least to a small degree with the foods. Free choice is also an illusion, not in the sense that we can't control what we do, but in the sense that the original conditions of our lives determines our choices, as our brains work in the physical realm which has strict laws of physics for the most part. If the universe isn't determines then it must have chaos, and no proper mixture of chaos and order can really produce free will. I think I went a little off topic, anyway, aliens. If we were ever to encounter aliens then it seems most likely they would've been our makers, as it's highly unlikely that any light or signal from earth has reached any alien planets, whom must be pretty far away seeing as the odds of life happening aren't too high.
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