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About Astal

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    Skyrim, Katawa Shoujo, Soul Calibur V, LOZ Syward Sword
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    Astal, Star Ocean 2, Oblivion, Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Katawa Shoujo

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  1. So here's the thing: I made a mod 7 years ago, the Retro Project. I am proud of it, but I let it sit around not updated since the last one on 12/19/12. I recently got a request from someone asking if they could port it to the X-Box One. I said yes and he pointed out the Whiterun textures were missing! All these years I never noticed. So I told him I would complete Whiterun, and I ended up doing the DLC as well, since it was also not done. And that brings me to my question; Can I make a seperate project page for what I am calling "Retro Project Re-DeMastered"? I dont want to use the old page as I read through the posts and people might get the wrong idea about whats inside.
  2. Imagine if you will, a simple Bandit with a 2 handed sword coming at you. He attacks you and before he even recovers, he gets in another hit. And another after another. As in a good 6 hits in under a second. Imagine a scene from "Fist of the North Star" and you wouldnt be far off. The extra hits basically have him twitch really fast. Its incredibly annoying and if I am ambushed by more then one enemies, I am raped in under 2 seconds. Does anyone have a fix for this, because its really killing my game?
  3. I am starting a new project based on my desire for wide open spaces with a metric sh-- ton of mannequins, shelves, displays, and what have you. No offense to the rest of the house modders on this site, but I cant seem to find that perfect house mod that satisfies my tastes. Trust me, I've tried 80% of them! I got quite a few collection, treasure hunting and trophy mods, but I cant see to find that one player house that displays them prominately. I will solve this problem by taking the interiors of the castles, The Hall of Heroes, and maybe a few dungeons, and emptying them of everything not necessary and making new portals and such to connect them all as I see fit. Not really one for architectual accuracy, so the skys the limit! Got a question as I am new to anything but texture replacement: Is there a quicker way to remove people and event starters so that only objects, lighting areas and the environment itself is left?
  4. Is there a way to type in the name of a texture and have the kit automatically go to it? Searching for the textures is easier with the kit now, but this would still save me a lot of time. For Example: type in "whbigblocks01.dds" and it goes to one of the locations its at.
  5. F--- YOU! THAT EXPLANATION CRASHED MY SY- Nah just kiddin. Works like a charm now. Thanks for everything. :) Now there will be naughty books everywhere. And whatever comics I think are worth the time.
  6. I feel like an idiot for asking this, but can you make a step by step, from the beginning? I followed your instructions but to no avail.
  7. I'm sorry but I still dont know where to do that. Is it here somewhere? http://i42.tinypic.com/351wnlv.jpg
  8. How do you create a new texture set for your "inventory" book? I've retextured the high res model, but the "Inventory Art" is still screwing me over by using "highpolybasicbook03" as the inventory art. I cant seem to add anything to that drop down window either. HELP!
  9. I am having trouble with that too. I made a custom skill book and I also made an awesome cover for it as well, but I cant replace the cover. The only textures available are character and 1st person view textures. Help.
  10. S'up? I am tryin to make some...interesting doujin "books" to spice things up in Skyrim. I am having trouble getting the largest picture possible on the books though. Whats the best resolution for the pictures (height, weight, etc.)? EDIT Scratch that. Found out for myself (I was doing something wrong the whole time...) If any one else wants to know, the optimum height is 440 and the width is 300.
  11. I am currently editing a bunch of monsters, and I REALLY dont want to run around and find them 1 by 1. Is there a long list of Monster ID#? Finding the Items and Dragons ID# (000FEA9B) was simple enough, but no other site has these for the REST of the monsters, except for UESPWiki and they only seem to have a couple. HEEEEEEEEEEAAAALP!
  12. I use both Paint.net and Photoshop Cs5 (portable edition). Paint.net is used to edit the textures themselves, although for some reason it likes to trick you into thinking some sprites are transparant. Regardless, it opens and saves .dds files like a champ.' Photoshop is what I use to make normal map files with and to properly check out the files that seem transparant with Paint.net. You need a plugin to make normal map files, though. Just check google. Heres a link for the portable Photoshop CS5. Its the version I use so I know it works :) : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K3BLBDF6 If you need any help or suggestions, dont hesitate to ask. Just send me a PM, as I really dont check this thread anymore.
  13. Well, resorted to plan B. Didnt turn out half as bad as I thought it would. :)
  14. This topic relates to: http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3890 This is thread for any ideas and/or texture submissions. Almost any ideas are welcome and will be fully credited. Any textures you might think are good enough to be in this game, just send me a message or post the texture here. Remember, the goal is 8, 16, and 32 Bit! No Hi-Res please. Also, if you need help making textures, just say so. Anyway, I am wondering what I should put as a pelt. I was thinking an actual game character, but who and what sprite? (Got an alternate plan too, but I dont want to resort to it yet.) http://i41.tinypic.com/whmp1f.png The solid colors are where the Pelts go. There are 3 types http://i41.tinypic.com/2qaicmc.jpg
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